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* Make your bed Eat that frog! How to talk to anyone (+2) Extreme ownership The 5 am club The 7 habits of highly effective people 13 things mentally strong people don't do The power of now Unlimited memory The spartan way - mckay The psychology of money Rich dad poor dad The power of your subconscious mind How to read a book - adler Atomic habits Principles - dailo The 80/20 principle Eat move sleep Limitless - kwik Ultra learning - scott Professional troublemaker Hidden figures Make it stick 12 rules for life How to stop procrastinating The power of habit No excuses! - tracy The 12 week year 15 secrets successful people know about time... The 10x rule Indistractable - eyal Mindset - dweck Focus - goleman High performance habits The procrastination equation The now habit Do the work - pressfield When - pink Joy at work - kondo The gift of fear - becker The first 20 hours - kaufman Learned optimism - martin How to do it now because it's not going away Make time - knapp The pomodoro technique Sane new world Think and grow rich The successful speaker 5 second rule The only skill that matters - levi The 1% rule - baker Conscious leadership No hard feelings - fosslien Deep work - newport The 48 laws of power Brief - mccormack Create space - draper Your brain at work Free to focus Learning how to learn You are not so smart - mcraney The perfect day formula The power of less - babauta Salt sugar fat Hyperfocus - bailey The 5 elements of effective thinking The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership Quiet - cain The road less traveled White bears and other unwanted thoughts The new corner office - laura Thinkertoys - michael Tiny habits Digital minimalism - newport The next millionaire next door Finish - jon acuff The ideal team player - lencioni The organized mind Don't overthink it The joy of missing out - dalton The intelligence trap Mini habits Think like a freak Two awesome hours - davis The power of discipline Drive - pink Peak - anders ericsson 5 love languages Living forward - hyatt How we learn - carey The school of life - botton Why we sleep The science of overcoming procrastination The 11 laws of likability The power of full engagement Think like a rocket scientist Discipline equals freedom - jocko Scrum - sims The bullet journal method - carroll Why we make mistakes Raise your game - stein Life is in the transitions At your best - carey The 15 invaluable laws of growth Creative confidence Unfuck yourself Breaking rhe habit of being yourself How to make people like you in 90 seconds... 168 hours Badass habits The one thing First things first The program - jake macdonald Hooked - eyal Die empty - todd henry Inner engineering - jaggi Permission to feel The minimalist home - becker Thinking in systems - wright The magic of believing - bristol Think straight - foroux Give and take - grant Do what matters most - rob Emotional inteligence - goleman The subtle art of not giving a fuck Effective decision making The inner game of tennis The sleep solution Declutter your mind Own the day, own your life How to make shit happen - whalen Blink - gladwell The 4-hour body You're not listening - murphy Nine lies about work - marcus Four thousand weeks Choose yourself - altucher Recovery - russell Captivate - edwards Anxiety at work - gostick The upside of stress The compound effect - hardy Everything is figureoutable Out of the crisis deming Getting things done Rest - soojung The coaching habit Get out of your head Self-discipline in difficult times How to be an imperfectionist The rudest book ever - gangwar Emotional inteligence 2.0 Ego is the enemy Chatter - kross To-do list formula The art of work - goins Intuitive eating Blindspot - banaji Overwhelmed - schulte Surrounded by idiots - erikson Goodbye, things - sasaki The miracle morning Boundaries - henry, john Enlightenment now - pinker Irresistible - alter Team of teams - tantum How to be fine - greenberg Questions and the answer Blue ocean strategy Work won't love you back The how of hapiness What the most sucsful peple do befre breakfast The willpower instinct Marketing 4.0 - kotler Don't sweat the small stuff... And It's all small... Dare - mcdonagh Switch - heat Too big to know - weinberger The financial diet Law of attraction Exceptional - cable Thinking fast and slow Creativity - mihaly How to change - milkman Million dollar habits Grit - duckworth Be calm - weber Awkward - tashiro The magic of thinking big Range - epstein The infinite game - sinek Living with a seal Your best year ever - hyatt The toyota way The death of expertise Flow - mihaly How to find fulfilling work Walden; or, life in the woods The sleep revolution Talking to strangers 13 steps to bloody good wealth Wherever you go, there you are Never split the difference Scientific advertising - hopkins Eat to live Thw catalyst - jonah berger Relentless - grover Words that chane minds Influence - cialdini Smarter faster better The healthy mind toolkit The 4-hour workweek Outliers - gladwell You need a budget Company of one - jarvis Thinking strategically - harvard Uncanny valley - wiener Millionaire success habits Spark joy - kondo The emotion code Manage your day-to-day The 5 languages of appreciation in the workspce Unshakeable - mallouk The power of negative thinking - hammel The emotional life of your brain Dare to lead The daily stoic The charisma myth TED talks storytelling The 22 immutable rules of marketing Always hungry? Hardcore self help Set for life - trench The home edit life The four agreements Untamed - doyle The innovator's dna Principles - raymond Get good with money The self-care solution Mindful relationship habbits Good to great Lost and founder Life is short (and so is this book) First man in - middleton Not nice - gazipura You are a badass at making money The five dysfunctions of a team The hapiness advantage Self-reflection Find your passion Made to stick Self-awareness - harvard Steal like an artist Outwitting the devil - hill Never get a real job - gerber How to not die alone Science of yoga - swanson Crucial conversations The obstacle is the way Codependent no more The richest man in babylon Willful blindness - hefferman Breath - nestor Opposite of loneliness Love yourself like your life depends on it Hapiness is the way What you do is who you are Essentialism - greg Contagious - jonah berger Peace is every step - hanh How not to diet The education of millionaires Man's search for meaning The gifts of imperfection Inspired - cagan Ask a man thinketh Money honey Building a story brand - miller Feeling good - david How to be an adult in relationships Rework - fried The minimalist entrepreneur How to stop worrying and start living Masters of scale The art of asking The dorito effect Leap - vigeland The myths of hapiness Millionaire women next door Dream big - goff Six thinking hats Behave - robert sapolsky Breathe to succeed Walk in my combat boots Anxiety in relationship The 7-day startup On fire - cynthia The genious of opposites - jennifer Men are from mars, women are from venus The hapiness project Self-discipline in dofficult times Measure what matters A guide to the good life The beauty myth More than enough How to - munroe David and goliath - malcolm gladwell Zero waste home Start with why Superlife - olien How to get dressed - alison Upstream - heath The joy of hate - gutfeld The no-spend challenge guide Bad blood - carreyrou Who moved my cheese Metabolism reset diet Talk like ted - gallo Leadership is language Negative self talk and how to change it Lives of the stoics Work rules! - bock Chop wood carry water The six pillars of self-esteem The lean startup Humankind - bregman Fat chance - lustig Spark - ratey Loserthink - adams To sell is human The new one minute manager A mind for numbers - barbara Think again - grant Everybody lies - seth Superforcasting - gardner How to break up with your phone Metaskills - neumeier No time like the future Everything is fucked Man enough The seven spiritual laws of success Daring greatly Resilience - harvard The $100 startup Maybe you should talk to someone How to win at the sport of business Meditations - aurelius Salt, fat, acid, heat The greatest salesman in the world How emotions are made I thought it was just me Move your stuff, change your life How to win friends & influence people in the dig... The blue zones Selfie - will storr Zero to one The art of war The dumb things smart people do with their mony Leadership - doris Made to stick - heath A mindfulness guide for the frazzled The making of a manager Rising strong Sprint - knapp Burn your portfolio The biggest bluff What happened to you? - perry Hbr guide to better business writing The promise of a pencil The monk who sold his ferrari I hear you - sorensen Calling bullshit - bergstrom Why does he do that? Crossing the chasm - moore Food - mark hyman The science of getting rich Dress your best life Loonshots - safi The life-changing magic of tidying up The ride of a lifetime Capital in the 21st century Ikigai - miralles The deficit myth How to do nothing - odell Don't burn this book You are the placebo How to not always be working Side hustle - guillebeau Strengths finder 2.0 Naked economics - wheelan Who - randy street The tipping point - gladwell The hard thing about hard things The righteous mind The simple path to wealth Reglections of a man The soulmate experience The last law of attraction book you'll ever... The latte factor The fixer - tusk Life will be the death of me The wolf of wall street - belfort The motivation manifesto Lessons - bundchen The magic of tiny business The book of joy Profit first Skin care - hirons Think like an entrepreneur act like a ceo Cribsheet - oster How to talk so kids will listen... The art of loving The future is faster than you think Life 3.0 - tegmark On writing - king Competitive strategy - porter Speeches that changed the world 21 lessons for the 21st century High output management Built, not born The smartest kids in the world Scaling up - harnish Trust - buttigieg Never eat alone The hapiness hypothesis His needs, her needs The design of everyday things The everything store Money-making mom Business adventures Your first 1000 copies The coddling of the american mind If you're not first you're last The body book The alchemist - paulo On tyranny - snyder Rule #1 - phil I will teach you to be rich The art of travel - botton The mom test - rob The undying - boyer Good economics for hard times Stop checking your likes Big magic - gilbert Guns germs and steel How fascism works Unfreedom of the press Beyond coffee How brands grow - byron The black swan - taleb A short history of nearly everything The effective executive Radical candor She means business The handmade entrepreneur The total money makeover The shallows - nicholas carr Starting a successful blog when you have no clue The body keeps the score Money master the game Your next five moves - david Hillbilly elegy Top home-based job & business ideas for... Show your work! Decoded - phil barden Broke millennial Thw univers had your back Finding freedom - durand How to day trade for a living The 1-page marketing plan Fooled by randomness Animal vegetable miracle Dude you're gonna be a dad All joy and no fun How children succeed The self-driven child How to raise successful people Food fix The conscious closet Just work - scott The bitcoin standard - ammous Digital gold - popper Bitcoin billionaires Stock investing for dummies The intelligent investor Flash boys - michael lewis The book on rental property investing The fair tax book Our time is now Psychopath free This is marketing - godin Lean in - sheryl Girl, stop apologizing Sapiens - harari Never chase men again A brief history of time Brief answers to the big questions The man who mistook his wife for a hat Buy yourself the fucking lilies Astrophysics for people in a hurry The baby decision Fuck him - nox Until the end of time - greene No filter - frier The longevity paradox The big short - lewis Stuff matters - midownik Alibaba - clark My inventions - tesla The cult of we Billion dollar loser That will never work - randolph Mud, sweat and tears - grylls The art of the deal - trump The upstarts - stone Permanent record - snowden New dark age - bridle The four - scott galloway This is how they tell me the world ends --------- A promised land The light we carry Becoming - obama Why nations fail The gene an intimate history What if? Educated - westover How to avoid a climate disaster - gates The moment of lift Blitzscaling Awakening joy Conversation casanova Shoe dog Prepared - tavenner The road to character Born a crime - noah Moonwalking with einstein Brotopia Keep sharp - gupta Factfulness - rosling When breath becomes air Einstein - walter The varieties of religious experience Creativity, inc. - catmull Steve jobs - walter Elon Musk - vance A woman makes a plan - musk I am malala Catch and kill Conversations with myself - mandela ----- Tomorrow sex will be good again The ethical slut Sex at dawn She comes firs He comes next Love worth making Have a new sex life by friday The man's guide to women Dollars and sex The breakup bible 101 nights of great sex Come as you are Doing it - hannah What to expect when youre expecting In the FLO Act like a lady think like a man It didn't start with you How to sleep with any girl How not to hate your husband after kids Have a new husband The seven principles of making marriage work Hinch yourself happy