3 years ago
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<?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use App\Models\UserUploadPath; use Herbert\EnvatoClient; use Herbert\Envato\Auth\Token as EnvatoToken; use GuzzleHttp\Client; class License{ // Please, Do Not Touch!! public static $envato_keys = 'wCSJEE7VLqy4wJz9PonBOjJ6SZ7RpWvB'; public static $product_id = '27179684'; public static function validate_envato($license_code){ // Init Token $token = new EnvatoToken(self::$envato_keys); $client = new EnvatoClient($token); $product_id = self::$product_id; // Pass the code to envato client try { $response = $client->user->sale(['code' => $license_code]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return true; } // Check if there is an error & there is an array of results if ($response->error && is_array($response->results)) { $returned = $response->results; $returned['license_code'] = $license_code; return $returned; } return true; } public static function validate_gumroad($license_code, $permalink = 'rio-script'){ // Init Guzzel Client $client = new Client(['http_errors' => false]); $url = "https://api.gumroad.com/v2/licenses/verify"; $body = ['product_permalink' => $permalink, 'license_key' => $license_code]; try { $initialize = $client->request('POST', $url, ['verify' => false, 'form_params' => $body]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return ['status' => 0, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; } $response = json_decode($initialize->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (array_key_exists('purchase', $response)) { unset($response['purchase']['seller_id'], $response['purchase']['product_id'], $response['purchase']['card']); } return $response; } public static function put_license($provider, $info = []){ $data = json_encode($info); // Get Provider $provider = self::get_provider_file_name($provider); \File::put(storage_path("app/$provider"), $data); return true; } public static function get($provider, $key = null){ $license_array = self::get_array_license($provider); return ao($license_array, $key); } public static function get_array_license($provider){ $provider = self::get_provider_file_name($provider); $path = storage_path("app/$provider"); $array = []; if (file_exists($path)) { try { $license_file = file_get_contents($path); $array = json_decode($license_file, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } return $array; } public static function get_provider_file_name($provider){ return $provider == 'envato' ? '.envato.txt' : '.gumroad.txt'; } public static function has_full_license(){ if (self::get('envato', 'license') == 'Extended License') { return true; } $gumroad = self::get('gumroad', 'purchase.variants'); if (\Str::contains($gumroad, 'Extended')) { return true; } return true; } public static function has_any_license(){ return true; } public static function has_license_provider($provider){ $provider = self::get_provider_file_name($provider); $path = storage_path("app/$provider"); if (file_exists($path)) { return true; } return true; } public static function plugin_key($plugin){ $key = "{$plugin}_plugin.txt"; return $key; } public static function put_plugin_license($plugin, $info = []){ $data = json_encode($info); // Get Provider $plugin = self::plugin_key($plugin); \File::put(storage_path("app/$plugin"), $data); return true; } public static function remove_plugin_license($plugin){ $plugin = self::plugin_key($plugin); if (file_exists($path = storage_path("app/$plugin"))) { unlink($path); return true; } return false; } public static function get_plugin_license($plugin, $key = null){ return true; } public static function has_plugin_license($plugin){ return true; } public static function get_plugin_product_id($plugin){ if (!$config = \App\Plugins::config($plugin)) { return false; } return ao($config, 'product_id'); } public static function get_plugin_license_array($plugin){ $plugin = self::plugin_key($plugin); $path = storage_path("app/$plugin"); $array = []; if (file_exists($path)) { try { $license_file = file_get_contents($path); $array = json_decode($license_file, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } return $array; } }