import sys
attempts_player1 = 0;
attempts_player2 = 0;
def RPSValidate(playerchoice):
answers = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
if playerchoice not in answers:
return ("input error")
return playerchoice.lower()
def RPSExecute(player1, player2):
if (player1 == player2):
print("The game is a draw because both player 1 and 2 chose:", player1)
return 0
elif (player1 == "rock"):
if (player2 == "paper"):
return 2
elif (player2 == "scissors"):
return 1
elif (player1 == "paper"):
if (player2 == "rock"):
return 1
elif (player2 == "scissors"):
return 2
elif (player1 == "scissors"):
if (player2 == "rock"):
return 2
elif (player2 == "paper"):
return 1
print("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors: ")
print("Player 1, type 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'")
player1 = input().lower()
player1 = RPSValidate(player1)
while player1 == "input error":
print('Player 1 input is incorrect. Enter input again ')
player1 = input().lower()
player1 = RPSValidate(player1)
attempts_player1 += 1
if attempts_player1 == 3:
print("Player 2, type 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'")
player2 = input().lower()
player2 = RPSValidate(player2)
while player2 == "input error":
print('Player 2 input is incorrect. Enter input again ')
player2 = input().lower()
player2 = RPSValidate(player2)
attempts_player2 += 1
if attempts_player2 == 3:
winner = RPSExecute(player1, player2)
if (winner == 0):
print("The game is a draw because both player 1 and 2 chose:", player1)
elif (winner == 1):
print("Player 1 wins because they chose: ", player1)
elif (winner == 2):
print("Player 2 wins because they chose: ", player2)