a year ago
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// source.cpp case 0 if (pInfo(peer)->autofarm || pInfo(peer)->autofarm2) loop_cheat(); // source.cpp void loop_worlds üstü long long int autofarm_delay = 0; void loop_cheat() { long long ms_time = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); try { if (autofarm_delay - ms_time <= 0) { autofarm_delay = ms_time + 300; for (ENetPeer* currentPeer = server->peers; currentPeer < &server->peers[server->peerCount]; ++currentPeer) { if (currentPeer->state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED or currentPeer->data == NULL or pInfo(currentPeer)->world.empty() or pInfo(currentPeer)->tankIDName.empty()) continue; if (pInfo(currentPeer)->autofarm || pInfo(currentPeer)->autofarm2) { int playerx = pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1); int playery = pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32 < pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32 ? -1 : 1); int location = playerx / 32 + (playery / 32 * 100); string name_ = pInfo(currentPeer)->world; vector<World>::iterator p = find_if(worlds.begin(), worlds.end(), [name_](const World& a) { return a.name == name_; }); if (pInfo(currentPeer)->autofarm) { edit_tile(currentPeer, pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1), pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32, 18); int block = pInfo(currentPeer)->farmable; int c_ = 0; modify_inventory(currentPeer, block, c_); if (p != worlds.end()) { World* world_ = &worlds[p - worlds.begin()]; WorldBlock* block_ = &world_->blocks[location]; if (block != 5640) { if (c_ <= 1) { pInfo(currentPeer)->autofarm = 0, pInfo(currentPeer)->farmable = 0; gamepacket_t ps; ps.Insert("OnConsoleMessage"); ps.Insert("`4Autofarm Stopped! `oYou don't have enough block to farm!"); ps.CreatePacket(currentPeer); } if (block_->fg == 0 && block_->bg == 0) { edit_tile(currentPeer, pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1), pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32, block); } else { edit_tile(currentPeer, pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1), pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32, 18); } } else { for (int i_ = 0; i_ < world_->machines.size(); i_++) { WorldMachines machine = world_->machines[i_]; if (machine.x == pInfo(currentPeer)->magnetron_x and machine.y == pInfo(currentPeer)->magnetron_y and machine.id == 5638) { if (machine.enabled) { WorldBlock* itemas = &world_->blocks[machine.x + (machine.y * 100)]; if (itemas->magnetron and itemas->id == pInfo(currentPeer)->magnetron_id) { if (itemas->pr > 0) { if (block_->fg == 0 && block_->bg == 0) { edit_tile(currentPeer, pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1), pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32, itemas->id, true); itemas->pr--; if (itemas->pr <= 0) { PlayerMoving data_{}; data_.packetType = 5, data_.punchX = machine.x, data_.punchY = machine.y, data_.characterState = 0x8; BYTE* raw = packPlayerMoving(&data_, 112 + alloc_(world_, itemas)); BYTE* blc = raw + 56; form_visual(blc, *itemas, *world_, NULL, false); for (ENetPeer* currentPeer = server->peers; currentPeer < &server->peers[server->peerCount]; ++currentPeer) { if (currentPeer->state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED or currentPeer->data == NULL) continue; if (pInfo(currentPeer)->world == world_->name) { send_raw(currentPeer, 4, raw, 112 + alloc_(world_, itemas), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); } } delete[] raw, blc; } break; } else { edit_tile(currentPeer, pInfo(currentPeer)->x / 32 + (pInfo(currentPeer)->state == 16 ? -1 : 1), pInfo(currentPeer)->y / 32, 18); } } else { pInfo(currentPeer)->autofarm = 0, pInfo(currentPeer)->farmable = 0; gamepacket_t ps; ps.Insert("OnConsoleMessage"); ps.Insert("`4Autofarm Stopped! `oYou don't have enough block to farm!"); ps.CreatePacket(currentPeer); } } } } } } } } } else { continue; } } } } catch (out_of_range) { return; } } // source.cpp autofarm buton if (cch.find("action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|cheats_1_1\nauto_farming_item|") != std::string::npos) { vector<string> t_ = explode("|", cch); if (t_.size() < 4) break; int anan = atoi(explode("\n", t_[3])[0].c_str()); if (items[anan].blockType != FOREGROUND && anan != 5640) { gamepacket_t k; k.Insert("OnConsoleMessage"); k.Insert("`4Error! You can farm only blocks!"); break; } else { pInfo(peer)->farmable = atoi(explode("\n", t_[3])[0].c_str()); autodialog(peer); } break; } if (cch.find("action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|cheats_1_1\nbuttonClicked|closeauto") != std::string::npos) { pInfo(peer)->autofarm = 0, pInfo(peer)->autofarm2 = 0; break; } else if (cch.find("action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|cheats_1_1") != string::npos) { pInfo(peer)->autofarm = atoi(explode("\n", explode("nocip_1_1|", cch)[1])[0].c_str()); //Auto Farm if (pInfo(peer)->autofarm2 && pInfo(peer)->autofarm) { gamepacket_t p; p.Insert("OnDialogRequest"); p.Insert("`4Error!`o You can only choose one thing!"); p.CreatePacket(peer); pInfo(peer)->autofarm = 0, pInfo(peer)->autofarm2 = 0; break; } } // world.h void autodialog(ENetPeer* p_) { gamepacket_t p; p.Insert("OnDialogRequest"); p.Insert("set_default_color|`o\nadd_label_with_icon|big|`wAutofarm Menu|left|7064|\n" "add_spacer|small|\n" "add_label_with_icon|small|`2Current Block: `w" + items[pInfo(p_)->farmable].name + "|left|" + to_string(pInfo(p_)->farmable) + "|\n" "add_spacer|small|\n" "add_item_picker|auto_farming_item|`wChoose Autofarm Block``|Choose an item you want to auto farm!|\n" "add_spacer|small|\n" "add_checkbox|nocip_1_1|Start Autofarming|" + (string(pInfo(p_)->autofarm ? "1" : "0")) + "\n" "add_button|closeauto|Restore defaults|noflags|0|0|\n" "add_smalltext|`oSelect Remote as block for doing autofarm with magplant!|\n" "add_spacer|small|\n" "end_dialog|cheats_1_1|Cancel|Apply|"); p.CreatePacket(p_); } //world.h ctrl + f else if (a_[i_] == "popup") else if (a_.size() == 8 and a_[5] == "autofarm") { autodialog(p_); } // autofarmi wrenchselfteki yere bagladik boyle yaparak, wrenchself dialoguna autofarm isimli buton ekle // PlayerInfo (int auth, save_player ve player.h tanımla) int autofarm int autofarm2 int farmable