Code by Ireneusz A.user_6919294
17 days ago
1.3 kB
// DARIA, nazwy zmiennych, klas itd zawsze nazywaj po Angielsku, to reguła :) // przykład #include <System.hpp> #include <vector> // Car class to represent a vehicle with basic functionality class Car { private: String _brand; // Brand of the car String _model; // Model of the car int _year; // Year of production double _speed; // Current speed of the car public: // Constructor to initialize the car with brand, model, and year Car(const String& brand, const String& model, int year) : _brand(brand), _model(model), _year(year), _speed(0) {} // Method to accelerate the car by a certain amount (Delta) void Accelerate(double delta) { _speed += delta; if (_speed < 0) _speed = 0; // Ensure speed doesn't go below 0 } // Method to decelerate (slow down) the car by a certain amount (Delta) void Decelerate(double delta) { _speed -= delta; if (_speed < 0) _speed = 0; // Ensure speed doesn't go below 0 } // Method to get the car's information as a formatted string String GetInfo() const { return String().sprintf(L"Car: %s %s, Year: %d, Current speed: %.2f km/h", _brand.c_str(), _model.c_str(), _year, _speed); } };
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