a year ago
28 kB
# ================================================================================================================================================================================ # PPM PRODUCT CATALOG (PC) REPLICATION - CE CUSTOM TABLES DELETE # DATE AUTHOR VER CHANGE DESCRIPTION # -------- --------- ----- ------------------ # 21.08.23 Veera 1.0 The below script deletes ppm table records dynamically from "etl_ppm_replication_master" "PC_EXT" # # # ================================================================================================================================================================================ import pandas as pd import mysql.connector import json from base64 import b64decode as base_b64decode import logging import datetime import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine as sqlalchemy_create_engine from pandas import read_sql as pd_read_sql import sys releaseId = '275.2' releaseType = 'DEPLOYED' replicationTarget = 'SOURCE' catalogId = '' opId = 'HOB' buId = 'DEFAULT' replicationJobId = 'REP_990_234' json_file_path = "/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/config/ppm_reply.json" sql_log_file = f"/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/logs/{replicationJobId}ppm_reply.sql" log_file = f'/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/logs/{replicationJobId}ppm_reply.log' # sql_log_file = os.get_path("PPM_PC_LOG") + "/" + replicationJobId + "_ppm_pc_replication_delete.sql" # json_file_path = os.get_path("PPM_PC_CONFIG") + "/ppm_pc_replication.json" # log_file = os.get_path("PPM_PC_LOG") + "/" + replicationJobId + "_ppm_pc_replication_delete.log" release_type = releaseType.casefold() STATUS = "Success" STATUS_MESSAGE = "Success" # Set up logging logging.basicConfig( filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) query_count = 0 # Open SQL log file for writing sql_log_file = open(sql_log_file, "w") # Function to write SQL query to the log file def write_sql(query_info): sql_log_file.write(query_info) sql_log_file.write('\n') # Utility def process_release_table(eprm_table_name, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count): query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE release_id='{releaseId}' AND op_id='{opId}' AND bu_id='{buId}'" try: cursor_tar.execute(query) result = cursor_tar.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (release)") logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (release)") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {query}: {err}") # Utility def process_audit_table(eprm_table_name, eprm_table_col_pk, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count): query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE ({eprm_table_col_pk}) IN (SELECT entity_ref_nbr FROM {schema_tar}.release_entity_inst_map WHERE release_id='{releaseId}' AND op_id='{opId}' AND bu_id='{buId}')" try: cursor_tar.execute(query) result = cursor_tar.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (audit)") logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (audit)") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {query}: {err}") try: # Function to establish a database connection def connect_to_database(json_data, serverInfo): try: encrypt = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('ENCRYPT') host = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_HOST') port = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_PORT') user = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_USER') db_type = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_TYPE') schema = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_SCHEMA') if encrypt == 'Y': password = b64decode(json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD')).decode('utf-8') else: password = json_data.get(serverInfo, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD') if db_type == 'MYSQL': cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port) cursor = cnx.cursor() logging.info(f"Connected to MySQL database server {serverInfo}: {host}:{port}") elif db_type == 'ORACLE': import oracledb oracle_mode = oracledb.is_thin_mode() print("Oracle mode: %s" % oracle_mode) if oracle_mode: oracledb.init_oracle_client() print("Enabled python-oracledb Thick mode") else: print("Default python-oracledb Thick mode") cnx_text = ('oracle://%s:%s@%s:%s/?service_name=%s' % (user, password, host, port, schema)) cnx = create_engine(cnx_text, encoding="utf8").raw_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() return cnx, cursor, schema except Exception as dbexp: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(dbexp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) try: # Read JSON data from file with open(json_file_path) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) except FileNotFoundError: print("File not found: " + json_file_path) try: # Connect to PPM_PC database conn_ppm, cursor_ppm, schema_ppm = connect_to_database(json_data, 'PPM_PC') # Fetch data from the etl_ppm_replication_master table primary_query = f"SELECT * FROM {schema_ppm}.etl_ppm_replication_master" df = pd_read_sql(primary_query, con=conn_ppm) columns = df.columns.tolist() rows = df.values.tolist() if len(rows) == 0: STATUS = "Error" STATUS_MESSAGE = "No records present in etl_ppm_replication_master table" # replicationTarget connection_tar, cursor_tar, schema_tar = connect_to_database(json_data, replicationTarget) # cursor_tar = connection_tar.cursor() except Exception as e: print("An Error occured:", str(e)) replaced_string = "" try: # Deleting records if releaseType is deployed or cancelled for MASTER-CHILD,AUDIT-CHILD,MASTER,AUDIT,RELEASE if release_type == 'deployed' or release_type == 'cancelled': logging.info(f"processing - {releaseType}") order = ['MASTER-CHILD', 'AUDIT-CHILD', 'MASTER', 'AUDIT', 'RELEASE'] logging.info("order of execution - 'MASTER-CHILD', 'AUDIT-CHILD', 'MASTER', 'AUDIT', 'RELEASE'") filtered_df = df.loc[ df['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC', 'RELEASE']) & (df['eprm_enabled_flg'].isin(['Y'])) & df[ 'eprm_table_type'].isin( order)].copy() # filtered_df.sort_values(by='eprm_seq_nbr', ascending=True, inplace=True) print("---- Categories Ordered\n") filtered_df['eprm_table_type'] = pd.Categorical(filtered_df['eprm_table_type'], categories=order, ordered=True) print(filtered_df[["eprm_table_type","eprm_seq_nbr"]]) print("---- Sort eprm_seq_nbr\n") filtered_df.sort_values(by=['eprm_table_type', 'eprm_seq_nbr'], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True) print(filtered_df[["eprm_table_type","eprm_seq_nbr"]]) #sys.exit() for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows(): eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'] eprm_join_cols_entity = row['eprm_join_cols_entity'] eprm_join_cols_reim = row['eprm_join_cols_reim'] eprm_table_alias = row['eprm_table_alias'] eprm_table_type = row['eprm_table_type'] eprm_parent_table_name = row['eprm_parent_table_name'] eprm_seq_nbr = row['eprm_seq_nbr'] # df = df.sort_values('eprm_seq_nbr', ascending=True) if eprm_table_type == 'AUDIT': eprm_table_col_pk = row['eprm_table_col_pk'] process_audit_table(eprm_table_name, eprm_table_col_pk, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count) if eprm_table_type == 'RELEASE': process_release_table(eprm_table_name, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count) elif eprm_table_type == 'MASTER': clause_removed_reim_join = eprm_join_cols_reim.replace(" AND", "").replace("=", "") remove_string = [eprm_table_alias + "." + v for v in eprm_join_cols_entity.split(",")] if eprm_table_alias + ".version" not in remove_string and eprm_table_alias + ".version" in eprm_join_cols_reim: remove_string = remove_string + [eprm_table_alias + ".version"] eprm_join_cols_entity = eprm_join_cols_entity + ", version" reim_select_cols = clause_removed_reim_join for v in remove_string: reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols.replace(v, "").replace("reim.", "") reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols.replace(" ", ",") if eprm_table_alias + ".version" in remove_string and "reim.version" not in eprm_join_cols_reim: reim_select_cols = reim_select_cols + ",version" split_parts = reim_select_cols.split(',') replaced_parts = [] for part in split_parts: dot_index = part.find('.') if dot_index != -1: replaced_part = part[dot_index + 1:] replaced_parts.append(replaced_part) else: replaced_parts.append(part) replaced_string = ','.join(replaced_parts) secondary_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE (" + eprm_join_cols_entity + ") IN (SELECT " + replaced_string + f" FROM {schema_tar}.release_entity_inst_map WHERE release_id='" + releaseId + "' AND op_id='" + opId + "' AND bu_id='" + buId + "')" try: logging.info(f"processing {eprm_table_type}") cursor_tar.execute(secondary_query) result = cursor_tar.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_info += secondary_query + ";\n" query_count += 1 write_sql(query_info) logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (master)") print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]} (master) {eprm_seq_nbr}") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(exp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{secondary_query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{secondary_query}: {err}") elif eprm_table_type == 'MASTER-CHILD': qry = f"select * from {schema_tar}.etl_ppm_replication_master WHERE eprm_table_name=" + "'" + eprm_parent_table_name + "'" cursor_tar.execute(qry) rows = cursor_tar.fetchall() columns = [desc[0] for desc in cursor_tar.description] df_child = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns) filtered_df_child = df_child[ df_child['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC']) & (df_child['eprm_enabled_flg'] == 'Y') & df_child[ 'eprm_table_type'].isin( ['MASTER'])] for _, row in filtered_df_child.iterrows(): eprm_table_name_child = row['eprm_table_name'] eprm_join_cols_entity_child = row['eprm_join_cols_entity'] eprm_join_cols_reim_child = row['eprm_join_cols_reim'] eprm_table_type_child = row['eprm_table_type'] if eprm_table_type_child == 'MASTER': split_conditions_reim = eprm_join_cols_reim.split('AND') where_clause_reim = [] for condition in split_conditions_reim: condition = condition.split('=')[1] condition = condition.split('.')[1] where_clause_reim.append(condition.strip()) where_clause_reim = ','.join(where_clause_reim) values_child = eprm_join_cols_entity_child.split('=') column_names_child = [value.split('.')[-1].strip() for value in values_child] where_clause_child = ', '.join(column_names_child) split_conditions = eprm_join_cols_reim_child.split(' AND ') result = [condition.split('=')[0].split('.')[-1] for condition in split_conditions] where_clause = ', '.join(result) final_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE ({where_clause_reim}) IN (select {where_clause_reim} from {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name_child} where ({where_clause_child}) IN (select " + where_clause + f" FROM {schema_tar}.RELEASE_ENTITY_INST_MAP WHERE release_id='" + releaseId + "' AND op_id='" + opId + "' AND bu_id='" + buId + "'))" try: cursor_tar.execute(final_query) logging.info(f"processing - {eprm_table_type}") result = cursor_tar.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += final_query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}") print( f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}" + " ---------------------MASTER-AUDIT------------------") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(exp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{final_query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{final_query}: {err}") elif eprm_table_type == 'AUDIT-CHILD': qry = f"select * from {schema_tar}.etl_ppm_replication_master WHERE eprm_table_name=" + "'" + eprm_parent_table_name + "'" cursor_tar.execute(qry) rows = cursor_tar.fetchall() columns = [desc[0] for desc in cursor_tar.description] df_child = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns) filtered_df_child = df_child[ df_child['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC']) & (df_child['eprm_enabled_flg'] == 'Y') & df_child[ 'eprm_table_type'].isin( ['AUDIT'])] for _, row in filtered_df_child.iterrows(): eprm_table_name_child = row['eprm_table_name'] eprm_join_cols_entity_child = row['eprm_join_cols_entity'] eprm_join_cols_reim_child = row['eprm_join_cols_reim'] eprm_table_type_child = row['eprm_table_type'] if eprm_table_type_child == 'AUDIT': split_conditions_reim = eprm_join_cols_reim.split('AND') where_clause_reim = [] for condition in split_conditions_reim: condition = condition.split('=')[1] condition = condition.split('.')[1] where_clause_reim.append(condition.strip()) where_clause_reim = ','.join(where_clause_reim) values_child = eprm_join_cols_entity_child.split('=') column_names_child = [value.split('.')[-1].strip() for value in values_child] where_clause_child = ', '.join(column_names_child) split_conditions = eprm_join_cols_reim_child.split(' AND ') result = [condition.split('=')[0].split('.')[-1] for condition in split_conditions] where_clause = ', '.join(result) final_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE ({where_clause_reim}) IN (select {where_clause_reim} from {schema_tar}.{eprm_table_name_child} where ({where_clause_child}) IN (select " + where_clause + f" FROM {schema_tar}.RELEASE_ENTITY_INST_MAP WHERE release_id='" + releaseId + "' AND op_id='" + opId + "' AND bu_id='" + buId + "'))" try: logging.info(f"processing - {eprm_table_type}") cursor_tar.execute(final_query) result = cursor_tar.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += final_query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) print( f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}" + " ---------------------AUDIT-CHILD------------------") logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(exp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{final_query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{final_query}: {err}") elif release_type == 'intesting' or release_type == 'inprogress': logging.info(f"{releaseType}") filtered_df = df[df['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC', 'RELEASE']) & (df['eprm_enabled_flg'].isin(['Y'])) & df[ 'eprm_table_type'].isin( ['AUDIT', 'RELEASE'])] filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values('eprm_table_type') df = df.sort_values('eprm_seq_nbr', ascending=False) for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows(): eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'] eprm_table_col_pk = row['eprm_table_col_pk'] eprm_table_type = row['eprm_table_type'] eprm_seq_nbr = row['eprm_seq_nbr'] if eprm_table_type == 'RELEASE': eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'] process_release_table(eprm_table_name, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count) if eprm_table_type == 'AUDIT': eprm_table_col_pk = row['eprm_table_col_pk'] process_audit_table(eprm_table_name, eprm_table_col_pk, schema_tar, releaseId, opId, buId, query_count) else: print("Release Type is not defined") logging.info("Release Type is not defined") # PC_EXT replicationTarget_EXT = replicationTarget + '_EXT' connection_ext, cursor_ext, schema_ext = connect_to_database(json_data, replicationTarget_EXT) cursor_ext = connection_ext.cursor() filtered_df = df[df['eprm_catalog'].isin(['PC_EXT']) & (df['eprm_enabled_flg'].isin(['Y']))] if len(filtered_df) > 0: for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows(): eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'] if eprm_table_name != 'PKG_PRD_FED_EXT_ATTRS': query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_ext}.{eprm_table_name} where release_id='" + releaseId + "' AND op_id='" + opId + "' AND bu_id='" + buId + "'" try: result = pd_read_sql(query, con=connection_ext) count = result.iloc[0, 0] query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{count}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {count} PC_EXT") logging.info(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {count}") if query_count > 0: try: query_del = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {schema_ext}.{eprm_table_name} where release_id='" + releaseId + "' AND op_id='" + opId + "' AND bu_id='" + buId + "'" cursor_ext.execute(query_del) result = cursor_ext.fetchone() query_info = f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n" query_info += f"-- #Query: Result:{result[0]}\n" query_count += 1 query_info += query + ";\n" write_sql(query_info) print(f"Count for {eprm_table_name}: {result[0]}" + "PC_EXT for deletion") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(exp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{query}: {err}") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(err), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"Error occurred while executing the query :{query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query:{query}: {err}") else: STATUS = "Error" STATUS_MESSAGE = "No records present in PC_EXT" logging.info("COMPLETED") query_update = f"UPDATE {schema_tar}.ppm_replication_status SET status='" + STATUS + "'" \ + ", status_message='" + STATUS_MESSAGE + "'" \ + ", error_description=NULL" \ + ", updated_by='" + replicationJobId + "' /**/" \ + " WHERE replication_job_id='" + replicationJobId + "' AND release_id='" + str(releaseId) + "'" query_ppm_update = f"UPDATE {schema_tar}.ppm_release_master SET replication_status='" + STATUS + "'" \ + ", updated_by='" + replicationJobId + "' /**/" \ + " WHERE release_id='" + str(releaseId) + "'" db_type = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_TYPE') if db_type == 'ORACLE': query_update = query_update.replace('/**/', ', updated_date=SYSDATE') query_ppm_update = query_ppm_update.replace('/**/', ', updated_on=SYSDATE') elif db_type in ('MARIA', 'MYSQL'): query_update = query_update.replace('/**/', ', updated_date=NOW()') query_ppm_update = query_ppm_update.replace('/**/', ', updated_on=NOW()') print(query_update) try: cursor_tar.execute(query_update) cursor_tar.execute(query_ppm_update) connection_tar.commit() except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(err), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) # print(f"Error occurred while executing the query :{query}: {err}") except Exception as e: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(e), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print("An Error occured while constructing dataframe:", str(e)) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(exp), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"An error occurred: {err}") logging.info(f"An error occurred: {err}") finally: cursor_tar.close() connection_tar.close() cursor_ppm.close() conn_ppm.close() json_file.close() sql_log_file.close() can you modify above like same as above which i have provided i want to pass releaseId = '275.2' releaseType = 'DEPLOYED' replicationTarget = 'SOURCE' catalogId = '' opId = 'HOB' buId = 'DEFAULT' replicationJobId = 'REP_990_234' above things as external argumentsi dint want to hardcode in script