(function run() { // Create a GlideRecord object for NeedIt tasks var gr = new GlideRecord('u_needit_task'); // Make sure to use the correct table name var today = new GlideDateTime(); // Get the current date/time // Query for overdue NeedIt tasks gr.addQuery('due_date', '<', today.getValue()); gr.addQuery('active', '=', true); // Only get active tasks gr.query(); // Initialize an array to hold overdue task sys_ids var overdueTasks = []; // Iterate through results and collect the sys_ids of overdue tasks while (gr.next()) { overdueTasks.push(gr.sys_id.toString()); // Optionally, you can log information or take actions on each task gs.info("Overdue NeedIt Task: " + gr.number + " with sys_id: " + gr.sys_id); } // Optionally send notifications or alert users regarding overdue tasks if (overdueTasks.length > 0) { // Example: Send email notification // gs.eventQueue('needit.overdue.tasks', null, overdueTasks.join(','), null); } else { gs.info("No overdue NeedIt tasks found."); } })();
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