3 years ago
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//============================================================================ // Name : Assignment3.cpp // Author : // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ // 21143 Tanmay Karmarkar // DSAL Assignment 3 // Create an inordered threaded binary tree and perform inorder and preorder traversals. // Analyze space and time complecity of the algorithm. #include<iostream> using namespace std; // Structure of the node . struct Node { int data; Node*left; Node*right; bool lbit; bool rbit; }; //Function to create a node and return the address of the node created. Node* newnode(int data) { Node*temp=new Node; temp->data=data; temp->left=NULL; temp->right=NULL; temp->lbit=1; temp->rbit=1; return temp; }; Node*Pred(Node*root) { Node*temp=root; if(temp==NULL) return NULL; while(temp->right!=NULL) temp=temp->right; return temp; }; Node *Succ(Node*root) { Node*temp=root; if(temp==NULL) return NULL; while(temp->left!=NULL) temp=temp->left; return temp; } //Function to create the TBT Node*create(Node*root) { int x; cout<<"Enter data"<<endl; cin>>x; Node*temp=newnode(x); if (x==-1) { return NULL; } if (root==NULL) { root=temp; } cout<<"Enter left of "<<x<<": "; temp->left=create(temp->left); cout<<"Enter right of "<<x<<": "; temp->right=create(temp->right); Node * p=Pred(temp->left); Node * s=Succ(temp->right); if(p!=NULL) { if(p->right==NULL) { p->right=temp; p->rbit=0; } } if(s!=NULL) { if(s->left==NULL) { p->left=temp; p->lbit=0; } } return root; }; //Function to create the head pointer for the tree //Node* create_head(Node*head) //{ //Node*temp=newnode(-1); //head=temp; //return head; //} int main() { Node*root=NULL; //head=create_head(head); root=create(root); return 0; }