a year ago
1.0 kB
local toAttack = nil onMissle(function(missle) if not storage.attackLeader or storage.attackLeader:len() == 0 then return end local src = missle:getSource() if src.z ~= posz() then return end local from = g_map.getTile(src) local to = g_map.getTile(missle:getDestination()) if not from or not to then return end local fromCreatures = from:getCreatures() local toCreatures = to:getCreatures() if #fromCreatures ~= 1 or #toCreatures ~= 1 then return end local c1 = fromCreatures[1] if c1:getName():lower() == storage.attackLeader:lower() then toAttack = toCreatures[1] end end) macro(50, "Attack leader's target", nil, function() if toAttack and storage.attackLeader:len() > 0 then if not g_game.isAttacking() then g_game.attack(toAttack) end useWith(3155,toAttack) toAttack = nil end end, parent) addTextEdit("attackLeader", storage.attackLeader or "player name", function(widget, text) storage.attackLeader = text end, parent)
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