2 months ago
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ACOTester : MonoBehaviour { // The ACO Controller. ACOCON MyACOCON = new ACOCON(); // List of all waypoints (using VisGraphWaypointManager). List<VisGraphWaypointManager> Waypoints = new List<VisGraphWaypointManager>(); // Connections between nodes. private List<ACOConnection> Connections = new List<ACOConnection>(); // The route generated by the ACO algorithm. private List<ACOConnection> MyRoute = new List<ACOConnection>(); // Debug line offset. private Vector3 OffSet = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0); // The Start node for any created route. public GameObject StartNode; // The max length of a path created by the ACO. public int MaxPathLength; // Movement related variables private int currentPathIndex = 0; // Current index in the path. private bool isHeadingToEnd = true; // Whether the agent is heading to the end. private bool isReturningToStart = false; // Whether the agent is returning to the start. private float moveSpeed = 6f; // Speed of the vehicle. private float turnSpeed = 3f; // Turn speed of the vehicle. private Vector3 previousPosition; // Agent's previous position for distance calculation. // Collision related variables private float collisionDistance = 10f; // Minimum distance for collision detection private float safeDistance = 11f; // Distance to maintain to avoid collision private List<GameObject> allVehicles = new List<GameObject>(); // Reference to the vehicle (agent) public GameObject Agent; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Ensure the Agent is set, if not, assign the current object as the agent. if (Agent == null) { Agent = gameObject; // Default to the object this script is attached to. } // Find all the waypoints in the level. GameObject[] GameObjectsWithWaypointTag; GameObjectsWithWaypointTag = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint"); foreach (GameObject waypoint in GameObjectsWithWaypointTag) { // Get the VisGraphWaypointManager component from the waypoint. VisGraphWaypointManager tmpWaypointManager = waypoint.GetComponent<VisGraphWaypointManager>(); if (tmpWaypointManager) { // Add the waypoint to the list if it is of type Goal. if (tmpWaypointManager.WaypointType == VisGraphWaypointManager.waypointPropsList.Goal) { Waypoints.Add(tmpWaypointManager); } } } // Go through the waypoints and create connections. foreach (VisGraphWaypointManager waypointManager in Waypoints) { // Loop through the connections of each waypoint. foreach (VisGraphConnection connection in waypointManager.Connections) { ACOConnection aConnection = new ACOConnection(); // Set the connection using the FromNode (current waypoint) and ToNode (connected waypoint). aConnection.SetConnection(waypointManager.gameObject, connection.ToNode.gameObject, MyACOCON.GetDefaultPheromone()); Connections.Add(aConnection); } } // Create an array of GameObjects for the ACO algorithm. GameObject[] waypointGameObjects = new GameObject[Waypoints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Waypoints.Count; i++) { waypointGameObjects[i] = Waypoints[i].gameObject; // Convert VisGraphWaypointManager to GameObject } // Run the ACO algorithm to find the best route. MyRoute = MyACOCON.ACO(50, 20, waypointGameObjects, Connections, StartNode, MaxPathLength); // Set initial position previousPosition = Agent.transform.position; // Populate all vehicles in the scene (this can be optimized if needed). allVehicles.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Taxi")); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Move the agent along the computed path. if (isHeadingToEnd && currentPathIndex < MyRoute.Count) { MoveAgentAlongPath(MyRoute); } else if (isReturningToStart && currentPathIndex >= 0) { MoveAgentAlongPath(MyRoute); } // Handle vehicle collision detection ManageVehicleCollisions(); } // Move the agent along the path void MoveAgentAlongPath(List<ACOConnection> path) { // Determine the current connection and target position. ACOConnection currentConnection = path[currentPathIndex]; Vector3 targetPosition = isReturningToStart ? currentConnection.GetFromNode().transform.position : currentConnection.GetToNode().transform.position; // Rotate the agent towards the target. Vector3 direction = (targetPosition - Agent.transform.position).normalized; if (direction != Vector3.zero) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); Agent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Agent.transform.rotation, targetRotation, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } // Move the agent towards the target position. Agent.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(Agent.transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); // Check if the agent reached the current target. if (Vector3.Distance(Agent.transform.position, targetPosition) < 0.1f) { if (isHeadingToEnd) { currentPathIndex++; if (currentPathIndex >= path.Count) { isHeadingToEnd = false; Debug.Log("Reached the end point."); InitiateReturnPath(); } } else if (isReturningToStart) { currentPathIndex--; if (currentPathIndex < 0) { Debug.Log("Reached the start point."); isReturningToStart = false; } } } } // Initiates return path after reaching the end. void InitiateReturnPath() { currentPathIndex = MyRoute.Count - 1; isReturningToStart = true; } // Manage vehicle collisions and adjust vehicle behavior accordingly. void ManageVehicleCollisions() { foreach (GameObject otherVehicle in allVehicles) { if (otherVehicle != Agent) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(Agent.transform.position, otherVehicle.transform.position); if (distance < collisionDistance) { HandleCollisionPriority(otherVehicle); } else if (distance < safeDistance) { ResumeVehicleSpeed(); } } } } // Handle collision priority between vehicles. void HandleCollisionPriority(GameObject otherVehicle) { int priorityA = GetVehiclePriority(Agent); int priorityB = GetVehiclePriority(otherVehicle); if (priorityA < priorityB) { StopVehicle(otherVehicle); } else if (priorityB < priorityA) { StopVehicle(Agent); } else { if (moveSpeed > 0f) { StopVehicle(otherVehicle); } else { StopVehicle(Agent); } } } // Stop the vehicle to avoid collision. void StopVehicle(GameObject vehicle) { if (vehicle == Agent) { moveSpeed = 0f; Debug.Log($"{Agent.name} has stopped to avoid collision."); } } // Resume vehicle speed after avoiding a collision. void ResumeVehicleSpeed() { if (moveSpeed == 0f) { moveSpeed = 6f; Debug.Log($"{Agent.name} has resumed movement."); } } // Get the priority of the vehicle based on its name (this can be modified). int GetVehiclePriority(GameObject vehicle) { if (vehicle.name == "Vehicle_1") { return 1; } else if (vehicle.name == "Vehicle_2") { return 2; } return int.MaxValue; } // Draws debug objects in the editor and during editor play (if option set). void OnDrawGizmos() { // Draw path. if (MyRoute.Count > 0) { foreach (ACOConnection aConnection in MyRoute) { Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawLine((aConnection.GetFromNode().transform.position + OffSet), (aConnection.GetToNode().transform.position + OffSet)); } } } }
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