exports.addRetailler = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => { const { email, password, name, phone, address, image, request_retailer_id } = req.body; let fulladdress = {}; let ImageProfile = [null]; const session = await mongoose.startSession(); try { session.startTransaction(); // Vérification si l'utilisateur existe déjà const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email }); if (existingUser) { res.status(400); throw new Error('User already exists'); } let profile = await Retailer.create( [ { company_name: req.body.company_name, province: req.body.province, ice: req.body.ice, id_fiscal: req.body.id_fiscal, register_commerce: req.body.register_commerce, taxe: req.body.taxe, cnss: req.body.cnss, rib: req.body.rib, pricingType: req.body.pricingType, payment_method: req.body.payment_method } ], { session } ); if (image) { ImageProfile = await Image.create([{ image: new Buffer.from(image, 'base64') }], { session }); } if (address) { fulladdress.address = address?.address; fulladdress.zipCode = address?.zipCode; fulladdress.city = address?.city; } const newUser = await User.create( [ { name, email, phone, role: 'retailer', password, profile: profile[0], fulladdress: fulladdress, photo: ImageProfile[0], creationDate: new Date(), active: false } ], { session } ); const req_ret_id = toObjectId(request_retailer_id, next); if (!req_ret_id) { return next(new AppError('Invalid id.', 401)); } if (request_retailer_id) { await RetailerRequest.deleteOne({ _id: request_retailer_id }, { session }); // console.log("retailer req : ",request_retailer_id) } if (newUser) { const users = await User.find({ $or: [ { role: 'manager' }, { role: 'admin' }, { role: 'subadmin' }, { role: 'salesman', province: req.body.province } ] }); const usersIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { const notification = await Notification.create( [{ content: 'new Retailer added to the system : ' + ' ' + name, type: 'user' }], { session } ); await User.updateOne({ _id: users[i]._id }, { $push: { notifications: notification[0]._id } }, { session }); usersIds.push({ id: users[i]._id.toString(), data: notification }); } Socket.SocketConnectedList(usersIds); await session.commitTransaction(); session.endSession(); res.status(200).json({ status: 'success', data: newUser[0] }); } else { await session.abortTransaction(); session.endSession(); res.status(400); throw new Error('cant create User'); } } catch (error) { await session.abortTransaction(); session.endSession(); return next(error); } });
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