
3 months ago
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i want u to calculate for each element what is the total cost of converstion , for example to covert to 1 , what is the total cost , to convert to 3 what is the total cost and so on for all nums

Total Conversion Costs Analysis
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Here are the total costs to convert all elements to each value:
1: 352 units
2: 253 units
3: 186 units
5: 142 units
6: 128 units (minimum)
7: 138 units
8: 160 units
10: 256 units

The optimal value is 6, with minimum total cost of 128 units.

*my understanding* : there is a downward peak when u draw the graph , i did in A4 , i see , its possible there can be multiple downward peak with constant values. so minimum is guarnteed. There can be only one downward peak with same values.

this is a application of finding peak problem.
where x is the nums values and y is the total cost of converting to each nums. we do see a downward parabola/downward peak.

Let me break down the solution and intuition:
Key Insights:

If we plot the total cost against possible target values, it forms a convex function (like a parabola)
The optimal value must lie between the minimum and maximum values in the array
As we move away from the optimal value, the cost increases on both sides


We use binary search to find the optimal target value:

Search space is from min to max value in nums array
For each mid point, calculate cost for mid and mid+1
If cost(mid) > cost(mid+1), optimal value is on right side
If cost(mid) < cost(mid+1), optimal value is on left side

For calculating cost:

For each number, find absolute difference from target
Multiply difference by cost of operations for that index
Sum up all costs

Time Complexity: O(n * log M) where:

n is the length of arrays
M is the range of values (max - min)

Space Complexity: O(1)
The binary search approach works because:

The cost function is convex (U-shaped)
If cost(x) > cost(x+1), minimum lies to the right
If cost(x) < cost(x+1), minimum lies to the left

This gives us an efficient way to find the optimal value without trying every possible target number.

class Solution {
     * The key intuition is:
     * 1. The optimal final value will be between min and max of array
     * 2. The cost function forms a parabola - as we move away from optimal value, cost increases
     * 3. We can use binary search to find the value giving minimum cost
    public long minCost(int[] nums, int[] cost) {
        // Find range for binary search
        int low = nums[0], high = nums[0];
        for (int num : nums) {
            low = Math.min(min, num);
            high = Math.max(max, num);
        // Binary search for the optimal value
        long answer = getCost(nums, cost, nums[0]);
        while (low <= high) {
            int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
            long cost1 = getCost(nums, cost, mid);
            long cost2 = getCost(nums, cost, mid + 1);
            answer = Math.min(cost1, cost2);
            // If cost is decreasing, move right
            if (cost1 > cost2) {
                low = mid + 1;
            // If cost is increasing, move left
            else {
                high = mid-1;
        return answer;
     * Calculate total cost to convert all numbers to target
    private long getCost(int[] nums, int[] cost, int mid) {
        long totalCost = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            // Calculate difference and multiply by cost per operation
            long diff = Math.abs(nums[i] - mid);
            totalCost += diff * cost[i];
        return totalCost;
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