/** * * Given two binary search trees, merge them into one Doubly Linked List. * First implement ONE BST to one sorted doubly linked list. * 1. Print In Order * 2. linkedlist printer front and back traversal * 3. insert in tree * 4. implement BST to LinkedList */ #include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; struct treenode { int val; treenode* left; treenode* right; treenode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}; }; treenode* InsertBST(treenode* root, int val) { if (root == nullptr) { treenode* newNode = new treenode(val); return newNode; } if (root->val > val) { // left subtree root->left = InsertBST(root->left, val); } else { // right subtree root->right = InsertBST(root->right, val); } return root; } void destroy(treenode* root) { if (root == nullptr) return; destroy(root->left); destroy(root->right); free(root); } void PrintInOrderHelper(treenode* root){ if(root == nullptr) return; PrintInOrderHelper(root->left); cout << root->val << " "; PrintInOrderHelper(root->right); } void PrintInOrder(treenode* root) { cout << "Printing In Order: [ "; PrintInOrderHelper(root); cout << "]" << endl; } int PrintBSTLevelOrder(treenode* root) { /** prints the BST in level order and returns the height of the tree */ int height = 0; int currLevelSize = 0; if (root == nullptr) return height; cout << "Printing In Level: [ "; queue<treenode*> tree_q; tree_q.push(root); while(!tree_q.empty()) { height += 1; currLevelSize = tree_q.size(); for (int i = 0; i < currLevelSize; i++) { treenode* curr = tree_q.front(); tree_q.pop(); cout << curr->val << " "; if (curr->left != nullptr) tree_q.push(curr->left); if (curr->right != nullptr) tree_q.push(curr->right); } } cout << "]" << endl; return height; } void PrintLinkedListFromHead(treenode* head) { cout << "*Inorder LL Print: "; treenode* temp = head; cout << "[ "; while (temp != nullptr) { cout << temp->val << " "; temp = temp->right; } cout << "]" << endl; } void PrintLinkedListFromTail(treenode* tail) { cout << "*Reverse LL Print: "; treenode* temp = tail; cout << "[ "; while (temp != nullptr) { cout << temp->val << " "; temp = temp->left; } cout << "]" << endl; } void BSTtoDoublyLinkedList(treenode* root, treenode* &head, treenode* &tail) { if (root == nullptr) return; BSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root->left, head, tail); /* Do work here to convert current inorder node to */ if (head == nullptr) { head = root; } else { tail->right = root; root->left = tail; } tail = root; BSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root->right, head, tail); } void TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(treenode* root1, treenode* root2, treenode* head, treenode* tail) { /** * BRUTE FORCE way to do this is to insert all nodes of root2 into root1 * ISSUES is that it can result in an imbalanced tree * We also make A LOT of redundant, recursive calls here * * SOLN: one run by using 3 unique basecases * 1. when root1 and root2 == nullptr * 2. when root1 is NOT null AND [either root2 is null or root1.val comes before root2.val] * 2. when root1 is either null OR [ root2 is NOT null AND root1.val comes after root2.val] */ if (root1 == nullptr && root2 == nullptr) return; if (root1 != nullptr && (root2 == nullptr || root1->val < root2->val)) { // set root1 as the next element in tail TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root1->left, root2, head, tail); if (head == nullptr) head = tail = root1; else { tail->right = root1; root1->left = tail; tail = root1; } TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root1->right, root2, head, tail); } else { // either root1 value is NULL // OR root2 value is NOT null AND root1.val is greater than root2.val // In either way we need to set root2 as the next elemenet in the tail TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root1, root2->left, head, tail); if (head == nullptr) head = tail = root2; else { tail->right = root2; root2->left = tail; tail = root2; } TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root1, root2->right, head, tail); } } int main() { treenode* root = nullptr; root = InsertBST(root, 3); root = InsertBST(root, 1); root = InsertBST(root, 7); root = InsertBST(root, 5); root = InsertBST(root, 10); treenode* root2 = nullptr; root2 = InsertBST(root2, 6); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 2); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 4); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 0); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 9); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 8); root2 = InsertBST(root2, 11); /* Printing in order */ PrintInOrder(root); /* Printing in level */ PrintBSTLevelOrder(root); /* Printing in order */ PrintInOrder(root2); /* Printing in level */ PrintBSTLevelOrder(root2); treenode* head = nullptr; treenode* tail = nullptr; TwoBSTtoDoublyLinkedList(root, root2, head, tail); // /* print linked list forward*/ // PrintLinkedListFromHead(head); // /* print linked list backwards*/ // PrintLinkedListFromTail(tail); }
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