3 years ago
13 kB
import asyncio import time from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait from userge import Config, Message, logging, userge _LOG = logging.getLogger(name) async def banager(message: Message, chat_id: int, user_id: int, until_date: int) -> str: log_msg = "" try: await message.client.ban_chat_member( chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, until_date=until_date ) log_msg = "Success" except FloodWait as fw: _LOG.info("Sleeping for some time due to flood wait") await asyncio.sleep(fw.x + 10) return await banager(message, chat_id, user_id, until_date) except Exception as u_e: if hasattr(u_e, "NAME"): log_msg = f"ERROR:- {u_e.NAME} >>" f" {type(u_e).name} > {u_e.MESSAGE}" else: log_msg = f"ERROR:- {type(u_e).name} > {str(u_e)}" return log_msg @userge.on_cmd( "snap", about={ "header": "Ban All", "description": "Haha, a Mighty Thanos snap to Ban" " All Members of a SuperGroup", "flags": {"-k": "Kick Members instead of banning"}, "usage": "{tr}snap [(optional flag)]", }, allow_private=False, only_admins=True, ) async def snapper(message: Message): try: async with userge.conversation(message.chat.id) as conv: confirm = await conv.send_message("Are you sure you want to do this?\nSend Yes, i'm nuking this chat's members. to confirm.") response = await conv.get_response(mark_read=True, filters=(filters.user([one for one in Config.TRUSTED_SUDO_USERS]) | filters.me)) if response.text == "Yes, i'm nuking this chat's members.": await confirm.edit("Ok, as you wish, nuking this chat's members.", del_in=5) else: return await confirm.edit("Since the response was not correct, cancelling this command.") except: return await message.edit("Response time expired.") chat_id = message.chat.id act = "Banning" if "-k" in message.flags: act = "Kicking" await message.edit( f"⚠️ {act} all Members of the chat. [Check application logs" f" for status]\nUse {Config.CMD_TRIGGER}cancel as reply to " "this message to stop this process." ) _LOG.info(f"Wiping out Members in {message.chat.title}") s_c = 0 e_c = 0 async for member in message.client.iter_chat_members(chat_id): if message.process_is_canceled: await message.edit("Exiting snap...") break if ( member.status in ("administrator", "creator") or member.user.is_self or member.user.id in Config.OWNER_ID ): continue until = int(time.time()) + 45 if "-k" in message.flags else 0 log_msg = await banager(message, chat_id, member.user.id, until) user_tag = f"[{member.user.first_name}]: Ban Status --> " if log_msg.lower() == "success": s_c += 1 else: e_c += 1 _LOG.info(user_tag + log_msg) await message.edit(f"[<b>{act} Completed</b>]:\nSuccess: {s_c}\nFailed: {e_c}")
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