2 years ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using static System.Console; using System.Globalization; class GreenvilleRevenue { public static List<string> Singers = new List<string>(); public static List<string> Dancers = new List<string>(); public static List<string> Musicians = new List<string>(); public static List<string> Others = new List<string>(); public static int SingingAmount; public static int DancingAmount; public static int MusicalInstrumentAmount; public static int OtherAmount; public static int ExpectedRevenue; public static int PreviousYearContestants; public static int CurrentYearContestants; static void Main() { // Get previous year contestant count GetPreviousYearCount(); // Get current year contestant count GetCurrentYearCount(); // Calculate Expected Revenue CalculateExpectedRevenue(); // Print Expected Revenue PrintExpectedRevenue(); // Print Comment/Contestant population flavor text PrintComment(); // Ask for contestant names and roles GatherContestants(); // Output the types of talent PrintTalent(); } static void CalculateExpectedRevenue() => ExpectedRevenue = CurrentYearContestants * 25; public static void DisplayRelationship(int numThisYear, int numLastYear) { // Write your DisplayRelationship() here. } static void GatherContestants() { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentYearContestants; i++) { // Ask for contestant name var name = ReadLine(); // Ask for role var role = GetRole(name); if (role == "Z") break; } sentinel: var sentinel = ReadLine(); if (sentinel != "S" && sentinel != "D" && sentinel != "M" && sentinel != "O") { if (sentinel != "Z") WriteLine($"{sentinel} is not a valid code."); } if (sentinel != "Z") goto sentinel; } /// <summary> /// This method gets and returns a valid number of contestants and is called twice once for last year’s number of contestants and once for this year’s value /// </summary> /// <param name="when"></param> /// <param name="min"></param> /// <param name="max"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int GetContestantNumber(string when, int min, int max) { getprevious: // Get number PreviousYearContestants = int.Parse(ReadLine()); // Validate number if (PreviousYearContestants < 0 || PreviousYearContestants > 30) { WriteLine("Enter a valid number"); goto getprevious; } getcurrent: // Get number CurrentYearContestants = int.Parse(ReadLine()); // Validate number if (CurrentYearContestants < 0 || CurrentYearContestants > 30) { WriteLine("Enter a valid number"); goto getcurrent; } return 0; } public static void GetContestantData(int numThisYear, string[] names, char[] talents, char[] talentCodes, string[] talentCodesStrings, int[] counts) { // Write your GetContestantData() here. } public static void GetLists(int numThisYear, char[] talentCodes, string[] talentCodesStrings, string[] names, char[] talents, int[] counts) { // Write your GetLists() here. } static string GetRole(string name) { var role = ReadLine(); if (role != "S" && role != "D" && role != "M" && role != "O") { WriteLine($"{role} is not a valid code."); GetRole(name); } switch (role) { case "S": SingingAmount++; Singers.Add(name); break; case "D": DancingAmount++; Dancers.Add(name); break; case "M": MusicalInstrumentAmount++; Musicians.Add(name); break; case "O": OtherAmount++; Others.Add(name); break; } return role; } static void PrintExpectedRevenue() => WriteLine("Expected revenue: {0}", ExpectedRevenue.ToString("C", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); static void PrintComment() { if (CurrentYearContestants > PreviousYearContestants * 2) { WriteLine("This competition is more than twice as big this year!"); } else if (CurrentYearContestants > PreviousYearContestants) { WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!"); } else if (CurrentYearContestants < PreviousYearContestants) { WriteLine("A tighter race this year! Come out and cast your vote!"); } } static void PrintTalent() { WriteLine("The types of talent are:"); WriteLine($"Singing {SingingAmount}"); WriteLine($"Dancing {DancingAmount}"); WriteLine($"Musical Instrument {MusicalInstrumentAmount}"); WriteLine($"Other {OtherAmount}"); // WriteLine("Contestants with talent Musical Instrument are:"); foreach (var musician in Musicians) { WriteLine(musician.ToString()); } WriteLine("Contestants with talent Dancing are:"); foreach (var dancer in Dancers) { WriteLine(dancer.ToString()); } WriteLine("Contestants with talent Singing are:"); foreach (var singer in Singers) { WriteLine(singer.ToString()); } WriteLine("Contestants with talent Other are:"); foreach (var other in Others) { WriteLine(other.ToString()); } } }