a month ago
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import 'dart:math'; import 'package:drishya_picker/drishya_picker.dart'; import 'package:drishya_picker/src/gallery/src/repo/gallery_repository.dart'; import 'package:drishya_picker/src/gallery/src/widgets/album_builder.dart'; import 'package:drishya_picker/src/gallery/src/widgets/gallery_builder.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; /// class GalleryHeader extends StatefulWidget { /// const GalleryHeader({ super.key, required this.controller, required this.onClose, required this.onAlbumToggle, required this.albums, this.headerSubtitle, }); /// final GalleryController controller; /// final String? headerSubtitle; /// final void Function() onClose; /// final void Function(bool visible) onAlbumToggle; /// final Albums albums; @override State<GalleryHeader> createState() => _GalleryHeaderState(); } class _GalleryHeaderState extends State<GalleryHeader> { late final GalleryController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = widget.controller; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final panelSetting = _controller.panelSetting; return Container( constraints: BoxConstraints( minHeight: panelSetting.thumbHandlerHeight, maxHeight: panelSetting.headerHeight + panelSetting.thumbHandlerHeight, ), color: panelSetting.headerBackground, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ // Handler _Handler(controller: _controller), // Details and controls Expanded( child: Row( children: [ // Close icon Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, child: _IconButton( iconData: Icons.close, onPressed: widget.onClose, ), ), ), // Album name and media receiver name FittedBox( child: _AlbumDetail( subtitle: widget.headerSubtitle, controller: _controller, albums: widget.albums, ), ), // Dropdown Expanded( child: Row( children: [ const SizedBox(width: 16), _AnimatedDropdown( controller: _controller, onPressed: widget.onAlbumToggle, albumVisibility: _controller.albumVisibility, ), const Spacer(), if (_controller.setting.selectionMode == SelectionMode.actionBased) GalleryBuilder( controller: _controller, builder: (value, child) { return InkWell( onTap: () { if (_controller.value.isAlbumVisible) { widget.onAlbumToggle(true); } else { _controller.toogleMultiSelection(); } }, child: Icon( CupertinoIcons.rectangle_stack, color: value.enableMultiSelection ? Colors.white : Colors.white38, ), ); }, ), const SizedBox(width: 16), ], ), ), // ], ), ), ], ), ); } } class _AnimatedDropdown extends StatelessWidget { const _AnimatedDropdown({ required this.controller, required this.onPressed, required this.albumVisibility, }); final GalleryController controller; /// final void Function(bool visible) onPressed; /// final ValueNotifier<bool> albumVisibility; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return GalleryBuilder( controller: controller, builder: (value, child) { return AnimatedOpacity( opacity: value.selectedEntities.isEmpty ? 1.0 : 0.0, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200), child: child, ); }, child: ValueListenableBuilder<bool>( valueListenable: albumVisibility, builder: (context, visible, child) { return TweenAnimationBuilder<double>( tween: Tween( begin: visible ? 0.0 : 1.0, end: visible ? 1.0 : 0.0, ), duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300), builder: (context, factor, child) { return Transform.rotate( angle: pi * factor, child: child, ); }, child: _IconButton( iconData: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down, onPressed: () { if (controller.value.selectedEntities.isEmpty) { onPressed(visible); } }, size: 34, ), ); }, ), ); } } class _IconButton extends StatelessWidget { const _IconButton({ this.iconData, this.onPressed, this.size, }); final IconData? iconData; final void Function()? onPressed; final double? size; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Material( color: Colors.transparent, clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(40), child: IconButton( padding: EdgeInsets.zero, icon: Icon( iconData ?? Icons.close, color: Color(0xFF4394F6), size: size ?? 26.0, ), onPressed: onPressed, ), ); } } class _AlbumDetail extends StatelessWidget { const _AlbumDetail({ this.subtitle, required this.controller, required this.albums, }); /// final String? subtitle; /// final GalleryController controller; /// final Albums albums; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ // Album name CurrentAlbumBuilder( albums: albums, builder: (context, album, child) { final isAll = album.value.assetPathEntity?.isAll ?? true; return Text( isAll ? controller.setting.albumTitle : album.value.assetPathEntity?.name ?? 'Unknown', style: Theme .of(context) .textTheme .titleSmall ?.copyWith( color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontFamily: 'Figtree', fontSize: 20, height: 24 / 20, letterSpacing: -0.3 ), ); }, ), const SizedBox(height: 2), // Receiver name Text( subtitle ?? 'Select', style: Theme .of(context) .textTheme .bodySmall ?.copyWith( color: Colors.grey.shade500, letterSpacing: -0.3, fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'Inter', height: 18 / 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,), ), const SizedBox(height: 6), ], ); } } class _Handler extends StatelessWidget { const _Handler({ required this.controller, }); final GalleryController controller; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (controller.fullScreenMode) { return SizedBox(height: MediaQuery .of(context) .padding .top); } return SizedBox( height: controller.panelSetting.thumbHandlerHeight, child: Center( child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4), child: Container( width: 40, height: 5, color: Colors.grey.shade700, ), ), ), ); } }
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