02/02/2024 ------------------------------------------------------ Having clause: having clause is used for filter the records based on aggregate function and grouping. having clause is used for only select. syntax: select column() from tablename group by columnname having condition. ex: select count(*),grade from customer group by grade having count(*)>2; select count(*),grade from customer group by grade having count(*)>2; select count(*),grade from customer where city in ("New York","Berlin") group by grade having count(*)>2; when we use having,where,group by,order by clause in onme query then the sequence is 1.where 2.group by 3.having 4.order by syntax: select column() from tablename where condition group by column having condition order by columnname ex: select grade, count(*) from customer where city in ("New York","Berlin") group by grade having count(*)>=2 order by count(*) ; exa: write a sql query to grade of customer table must be 100 average of amt for each group of city must be mor tahn 500 solu:-select city, avg(amt) from customer where grade=100 group by city having avg(amt)>500; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update:- update statement is used to modify the existing records in the table; syntax: update table_name set columnname1=value1,columnanme2=value2,..... where condition ex:-update employee1 set city="satara" where id=2; if you are not write where condi in update statement then all records in the table will be updated. update employee1 set city="nagpur"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;
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