
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
1.8 kB
const data = {
  "userEnteredData": null,
  "naukriMatchStatus": null,
  "kycAnalyticsSearchType": null,
  "updateTime": "2022-04-01 19:50:57",
  "entityId": "16987654",
  "panMatchStatus": null,
  "status": "APPROVED"

// It uses regular expressions to find the curly braces
// and replace the content inside them with the corresponding value from the data object.
function generateOutputURL(inputURL) {
  return inputURL.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, function(_, key) {
    let splitKey = key.split('-')[1];
    return data[splitKey] || '';

Explain the regular expression used in the function.
The regular expression /{([^}]+)}/g is used to find all occurrences of text within curly braces {} in the input string.

Here's a breakdown of the regular expression:
- { and }: These are the literal characters that the regular expression is looking for. 
They represent the opening and closing curly braces.

- ([^}]+): This is a capturing group, which is used to "capture" the text within the curly braces for later use. The [^}] part is a character class that matches any character that is not a closing curly brace }. The + quantifier means "one or more of the preceding element". So [^}]+ matches one or more of any character that is not a }.

- g: This is a flag that makes the regular expression global, meaning it will find all matches in the input string, not just the first one.

In the replacement function, the _ parameter is a placeholder for the entire match (including the curly braces), and key is the captured group (the text within the curly braces). The function splits the key on the dash -, takes the second part (index 1), and uses it to look up a value in the data object. If the key does not exist in the data object, it returns an empty string.
