a year ago
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path '/api/users' do let(:registration_params) do { user: { email: email, password: password, password_confirmation: password_confirmation, profile_attributes: { first_name: first_name, currency: currency } } } end let(:email) { 'some@email.com' } let(:password) { 'password' } let(:password_confirmation) { 'password' } let(:first_name) { 'Roberto' } let(:currency) { 'EUR' } let(:country_code) { 'GE' } let(:country_region_code) { 'TB' } let(:last_user) { User.last } before do create_settings :first_name allow(StoreTagsFromCookies).to receive(:call) end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } before do allow(RequestStore).to receive(:store) do { request_ip: '', request_geoip_country_code: country_code, request_geoip_region_code: country_region_code } end end response '201', 'After successful sign up confirmation email will be send to user.' \ ' This mail contains link with confirmation url like'\ ' http://casino.softswiss.com/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=3p8iHqcHAsY3jgjxUoJr .' \ ' When the user clicks this link he come to casino site and frontend js is responsible for handling' \ ' this request and seconding confirmation request to the backend server (See "Confirm User").' do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do User.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(License.count).not_to be_zero expect(last_user.last_tracked_country).to eq(country_code) expect(last_user.last_tracked_country_region).to eq(country_region_code) expect(last_user.email).to eq(email) expect(last_user.profile.first_name).to eq(first_name) expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end context 'when bonus code provided by user' do let(:bonus_code) { ' code ' } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'User registered with bonus code' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', 'When user provides bonus code during registration, bonus would be available.', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do registration_params[:user].merge!(bonus_code: bonus_code) BonusIssue.all.destroy_all end run_test! { expect(BonusIssue.count).to be_zero } end end end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Set writable group' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', 'See more about writable groups in Player\s groups section' do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' let(:group) do create(:group, frontend_identifier: 'welcome:opt1', public: true, user_writable: true, dynamic: false) end before do registration_params[:user].merge!(groups: [group.frontend_identifier]) User.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(last_user.groups).to contain_exactly(group) expect(License.count).not_to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end describe 'when butler restriction exists', doc: false do before do User.all.destroy_all allow(Butler).to receive(:actions).and_return('*' => butler_proc) allow(Butler::RejectHandler) .to receive(:call).with(instance_of(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess), instance_of(String)) end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do shared_examples 'Responds with restriction' do response '403', 'Responds with restriction' do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).to be_zero expect(License.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to eq('reason' => 'ksa_registration_restricted') expect(Butler::RejectHandler) .to have_received(:call).with(hash_including(registration_params), 'ksa_registration_restricted').once end end end parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } context 'when parameter restriction' do let(:butler_proc) do proc { parameter :user, :email do value 'some@email.com' reason 'ksa_registration_restricted' end } end it_behaves_like 'Responds with restriction' end context 'when ip restriction' do let(:butler_proc) do proc { ip('') do reason 'ksa_registration_restricted' end } end it_behaves_like 'Responds with restriction' end end end context 'when maltian license enabled' do around do |ex| prev_licenses = Thread.current[:enabled_licences] Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = nil with_settings('licenses' => %w[MT]) { ex.run } Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = prev_licenses end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Set reality check limit' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do UserLimits::Base.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(UserLimits::Base.count).not_to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end end context 'when maltian license disabled' do before { allow(UserLimits::RealityCheck).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(false) } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Doesn\'t creates reality check limit' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do UserLimits::Base.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(UserLimits::Base.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end end context 'when registration is restricted by latvian license rules' do post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Not writable groups are not allowed' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string }, personal_id_number: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' around do |ex| prev_licenses = Thread.current[:enabled_licences] Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = nil with_settings('licenses' => %w[LV]) { ex.run } Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = prev_licenses end before do User.all.destroy_all registration_params[:user][:profile_attributes].merge!(personal_id_number: 'wrong') allow(LicenseRules::Latvian).to receive(:process_failed_registration).once end run_test! do expect(User.all.count).to be_zero expect(LicenseRules::Latvian).to have_received(:process_failed_registration).once expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(profile: { personal_id_number: :latvian_license_restriction }) expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end end end context 'when latvian license and user is already registered' do post 'Invalid attributes' do tags 'Registration' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' around do |ex| prev_licenses = Thread.current[:enabled_licences] Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = nil with_settings('licenses' => %w[LV]) { ex.run } Thread.current[:enabled_licences] = prev_licenses end before do allow(LicenseRules::Checker).to receive(:can_registration?).and_return(true) allow(LicenseRules::Latvian).to receive(:process_failed_registration).and_call_original User.all.destroy_all create(:user, email: email) end run_test! do expect(LicenseRules::Latvian).to have_received(:process_failed_registration) expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end end end post 'Not writable groups are not allowed' do tags 'Registration' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' let(:group) do create(:group, frontend_identifier: 'welcome:opt1', public: true, user_writable: false, dynamic: false) end before do registration_params[:user].merge!(groups: [group.frontend_identifier]) User.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(last_user.groups).to be_empty expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end describe 'profile error' do let(:email) { 'email.com' } let(:password_confirmation) { 'wrong' } let(:first_name) { nil } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Invalid attributes' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do User.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(User.all.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(email: :invalid) expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(password_confirmation: :confirmation) expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(profile: { first_name: :blank }) expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end end end context 'when Captcha enabled on registration' do let(:captcha) { 'captcha-here' } let(:verify_options) do { response: captcha, secret_key: 'SECRET_V2' } end before do registration_params[:user].merge!(captcha: captcha) create_settings(:captcha) allow_any_instance_of(Recaptcha::Adapters::ControllerMethods) .to receive(:verify_recaptcha) .with(verify_options) .and_return(verify_result) User.all.destroy_all end around do |ex| with_settings( 'recaptcha' => { secret_key: 'SECRET_V2' }, 'recaptcha_v3' => { secret_key: 'SECRET_V3', minimum_score: 0.4 } ) do ex.run end end context 'when User submitted correct captcha' do let(:verify_result) { true } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Creates user' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end context 'when mobile phone is submitted' do before do registration_params.dig(:user, :profile_attributes).merge!(mobile_phone: mobile_phone) VerifiedPhone.all.destroy_all end context 'when phone number is valid' do let(:mobile_phone) { Faker::Base.numerify('+37529#######') } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'creates verified phone' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(VerifiedPhone.count).not_to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end end context 'when phone number is invalid' do let(:mobile_phone) { '123' } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'does not create verified phone' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).to be_zero expect(VerifiedPhone.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end end end end context 'when captcha v3 is enabled' do let(:verify_options) do { response: captcha, secret_key: 'SECRET_V3', minimum_score: 0.4, action: nil } end before do enable_recaptcha_v3 end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'creates user' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '201', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).not_to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:created) end end end end end context 'when User submitted invalid captcha' do let(:verify_result) { false } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Doesn\'t create user' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(captcha: :invalid) end end end context 'when email is already in use' do before { create(:user, email: email) } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Doesn\'t create user' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(captcha: :invalid) expect(json_response).not_to respond_with_error(email: :taken) end end end end context 'when captcha v3 is enabled' do let(:verify_options) do { response: captcha, secret_key: 'SECRET_V3', minimum_score: 0.4, action: nil } end before do enable_recaptcha_v3 end post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'creates user' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', '', document: false do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' run_test! do expect(User.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(captcha: :invalid) end end end end end end describe 'Profile error', doc: false do let(:password) { email } let(:password_confirmation) { email } post 'Publishes the sign_up form' do description 'Invalid attributes' tags 'Users' parameter name: :registration_params, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { user: { type: :object, properties: { email: { type: :string }, password: { type: :string }, password_confirmation: { type: :string }, profile_attributes: { type: :object, properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, currency: { type: :string } } } } } } } response '422', 'Unprocessable entity' do consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/vnd.softswiss.v1+json' before do User.all.destroy_all end run_test! do expect(User.count).to be_zero expect(json_response).to respond_with_error(password: :email_equivalent) expect(json_response).to respond_with_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end end end end