Allows you to style elements after they've wrapped in flexbox or grid contexts. Just add the script to the head section of your website and add the .wrap-detect class to every parent element you want to use it with.Netrunner
2 years ago
3.5 kB
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { function wrapDetect() { // use this class on flex and grid containers where wrap detection is needed. let matches = document.querySelectorAll(".wrap-detect"); // wrap detection script matches.forEach((wrapper) => { // define variables let wrappables = wrapper.children; let wrappedCount = 0; let wrapTheRest = false; let columns = 1; let row = 1; let altColumns = 1; // apply "some-wrapped" to parent element containing wrapped elements, and "wrapped" class to flex and grid items that have wrapped. wrapper.classList.remove("some-wrapped"); wrapper.classList.remove("all-wrapped"); [...wrappables].forEach((element, index) => { element.classList.remove("wrapped"); if (index == 0) { element.classList.add("first"); } else if (wrapTheRest == true) { element.classList.add("wrapped"); wrappedCount += 1; } else if (element.offsetLeft <= element.previousElementSibling.offsetLeft) { element.classList.add("wrapped"); wrapper.classList.add("some-wrapped"); wrappedCount += 1; wrapTheRest = true; } else { columns += 1; } }); // apply "all-wrapped" class to parent container if all flex and grid items are stacked. if (wrappables.length - 1 == wrappedCount) { wrapper.classList.remove("some-wrapped"); wrapper.classList.add("all-wrapped"); } // assign column count to parent using wrap detection for(var i = wrapper.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(wrapper.classList[i].startsWith("cc-")) { wrapper.classList.remove(wrapper.classList[i]); } } columnCountClassName = "cc-" + columns; wrapper.classList.add(columnCountClassName); // alternate column count using width detection for(var i = wrapper.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(wrapper.classList[i].startsWith("cc-alt-")) { wrapper.classList.remove(wrapper.classList[i]); } } wrapperWidth = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect().width; itemWidth = wrappables[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; altColumns = Math.round(wrapperWidth / itemWidth); altColumnCountClassName = "cc-alt-" + altColumns; wrapper.classList.add(altColumnCountClassName); // assign row numbers to items [...wrappables].forEach((element, index) => { for(var i = element.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(element.classList[i].startsWith("row-")) { element.classList.remove(element.classList[i]); } } row = Math.ceil((index + 1) / columns); element.classList.add("row-" + row); }); }); } // fire wrap detect script on load wrapDetect(); // fire wrap detect script on screen resize window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) { wrapDetect(); }, true); }, false);
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