Refined and Debugged Codeunknown
3 years ago
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package com.company; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.PriorityQueue; class FCFS{ static PriorityQueue<Process> processQueue = new PriorityQueue<Process>(10, new Comparator<Process>() { public int compare(Process process1, Process process2) { return (int)(process1.getArrivalTime()-process2.getArrivalTime()); } }); static PriorityQueue<Process> readyQueue = new PriorityQueue<Process>(10, new Comparator<Process>() { public int compare(Process process1, Process process2) { return (int)(process1.getArrivalTime()-process2.getArrivalTime()); } }); static GlobalTimer globalTimer = new GlobalTimer(0); public static void main(String[] args) { int arr[] = new int[10]; int arr2[] = new int[10]; int i=0; processQueue.add(new Process(1,3,2,globalTimer)); processQueue.add(new Process(2,6,3,globalTimer)); processQueue.add(new Process(3,1,4,globalTimer)); processQueue.add(new Process(4,4,5,globalTimer)); while(globalTimer.time < 100){ // TASK: Write your code here // You may look for available priority queue methods here: https://www.javatpoint.com/java-priorityqueue // Check for processes that have arrived using checkIfNewProcessArrived() // If found, move them to ready queue // If any process is ready to run, run a process from ready queue following the queue policy // Otherwise print the global time and mention that no process is ready to run int bt; if (checkIfNewProcessArrived()) { readyQueue.add(processQueue.poll()); for (Process p : readyQueue) { while (p.duration > 0) { arr2[i]=p.duration; runProcessInCpu(); p.duration--; arr[i]=globalTimer.time; i++; } } } else { System.out.println(globalTimer.time + " & No process is running"); } globalTimer.time++; } // TASK: Write your code here // Print performance statistics int ct,tt,wt; double avg_wt,avg_tat,sum=0.0, sum2=0.0; i=0; for (Process p:readyQueue){ ct = arr[i]; tt= ct-p.arrivalTime; wt= tt-arr2[i]; sum+=wt; sum2+=tt; System.out.println("Process ID: "+p.id+" CT:"+ct+" TAT: "+tt+" WT: "+wt); tt=0; ct=0; wt=0; i++; } avg_wt= sum/i; avg_tat= sum2/i; System.out.println("Average waiting Time: "+avg_wt+" Average TAT time: "+avg_tat); } public static boolean checkIfNewProcessArrived(){ // TASK: Write your code here // return True/False by comparing the earliest arrival time from process queue with the global time for (Process p:processQueue){ if (p.arrivalTime<p.globalTimer.time){ return true; } } return false; } public static void runProcessInCpu(){ // TASK: Write your code here // Retrieve a process that is ready to run and run it int i=0; for (Process p : readyQueue) { while (p.duration > 0) { p.runProcess(); p.duration--; } } } }
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