22 days ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public virtual void DisplayInfo() { Console.WriteLine($"Name: {Name}, Age: {Age}"); } } public class Teacher : Person { public string Subject { get; set; } public override void DisplayInfo() { base.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Subject: {Subject}"); } } public class Student : Person { public int Grade { get; set; } public override void DisplayInfo() { base.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Grade: {Grade}"); } } public class Employee : Person { public string JobTitle { get; set; } public override void DisplayInfo() { base.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Job Title: {JobTitle}"); } } public class Principal : Person { public int YearsOfExperience { get; set; } public override void DisplayInfo() { base.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Years of Experience: {YearsOfExperience}"); } } public class Peon : Person { public string Duty { get; set; } public override void DisplayInfo() { base.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Duty: {Duty}"); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>(); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>(); List<Principal> principals = new List<Principal>(); List<Peon> peons = new List<Peon>(); bool continueRunning = true; while (continueRunning) { Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do? (teacher/student/employee/principal/peon/show record/nothing): "); string choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (choice) { case "teacher": AddTeacher(teachers); break; case "student": AddStudent(students); break; case "employee": AddEmployee(employees); break; case "principal": AddPrincipal(principals); break; case "peon": AddPeon(peons); break; case "show record": ShowRecord(teachers, students, employees, principals, peons); break; case "nothing": continueRunning = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice."); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Program ended."); } static void AddTeacher(List<Teacher> teachers) { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for Teacher:"); Teacher teacher = new Teacher { Name = GetInput("Name: "), Age = int.Parse(GetInput("Age: ")), Subject = GetInput("Subject: ") }; teachers.Add(teacher); } static void AddStudent(List<Student> students) { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for Student:"); Student student = new Student { Name = GetInput("Name: "), Age = int.Parse(GetInput("Age: ")), Grade = int.Parse(GetInput("Grade: ")) }; students.Add(student); } static void AddEmployee(List<Employee> employees) { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for Employee:"); Employee employee = new Employee { Name = GetInput("Name: "), Age = int.Parse(GetInput("Age: ")), JobTitle = GetInput("Job Title: ") }; employees.Add(employee); } static void AddPrincipal(List<Principal> principals) { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for Principal:"); Principal principal = new Principal { Name = GetInput("Name: "), Age = int.Parse(GetInput("Age: ")), YearsOfExperience = int.Parse(GetInput("Years of Experience: ")) }; principals.Add(principal); } static void AddPeon(List<Peon> peons) { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for Peon:"); Peon peon = new Peon { Name = GetInput("Name: "), Age = int.Parse(GetInput("Age: ")), Duty = GetInput("Duty: ") }; peons.Add(peon); } static string GetInput(string prompt) { Console.Write(prompt); return Console.ReadLine(); } static void ShowRecord(List<Teacher> teachers, List<Student> students, List<Employee> employees, List<Principal> principals, List<Peon> peons) { Console.WriteLine("\nWhich record would you like to see? (teacher/student/employee/principal/peon): "); string classChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (classChoice) { case "teacher": DisplayList(teachers, "Teachers"); break; case "student": DisplayList(students, "Students"); break; case "employee": DisplayList(employees, "Employees"); break; case "principal": DisplayList(principals, "Principals"); break; case "peon": DisplayList(peons, "Peons"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid class choice."); break; } } static void DisplayList<T>(List<T> list, string className) where T : Person { Console.WriteLine($"\n--- {className} ---"); if (list.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No records found."); } else { foreach (var person in list) { person.DisplayInfo(); Console.WriteLine(); } } } }
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