a year ago
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# _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ # | | | | | \ |_ | |_ | # | | | | |-- --| | | _| |_ _| |_ # \___/|_____|_____|____/ |_____|_____| options: credit: THIS SKRIPT WAS CREATED BY SATRN disabled: &4&l<!> &cThis item has been disabled bounty: &6&lBOUNTY&7 currency: $ prefix: &d&lVoid11 worldname: VoidWorld tagprice: 10000 Ban List: player head #antispam spam-bypass-permission: antispam.bypass spam-no-bypass-message: &cPlease wait &6%{spam.timer.%player%}%&r &cseconds before sending another message spamtime: 2 #chatreactions mode: "both" #enabled modes (type, unscramble, or both) randomString: false #uses random strings of words (forces "type" mode) # if you want it case sensitive, enable it in the SKRIPT config stringMin: 2 #random string minimum character length stringMax: 25 #random string maximum character length (cannot exceed 25) caseSensitive: true #only affects the display of random strings, if not enabled in SKRIPT config, answering will not be case sensitive timeInt: 5 minutes #time between each reaction timeout: 30 seconds #time players have to answer #combat tag CPrefix: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l] CT-Time: 10 MobsCombat-Tag: false #tags noob: <##00fff0>&l[<##1ae4f1>&lN<##34c9f3>&lO<##4faff4>&lO<##6994f6>&lB<##8379f7>&l] sped: <##ff0000>&l&o[<##ff6666>&l&oS<##ffcccc>&l&oP<##ccddff>&l&oE<##669aff>&l&oD<##0057ff>&l&o] magic: <##ff0000>&l[<##ff6a00>&lM<##ffd400>&lA<##7fff00>&lG<##00ff4b>&lI<##2bd8d6>&lC<##ff17a2>&l] god: <##8affff>&l[<##a7ffff>&lG<##c5ffff>&lO<##e2ffff>&lD<##ffffff>&l] hacker: <##bd0000>&l&k[<##d00000>&lH<##e30000>&lA<##f60000>&lC<##f60000>&lK<##e30000>&lE<##d00000>&lR<##bd0000>&l&k] imrich: <##0ec415>&l[<##2bd10f>&lI<##4ce009>&lM <##79f503>&lR<##6ef321>&lI<##2cdc62>&lC<##2ee883>&lH<##45ff9a>&l] juan: <##ff0d0d>&l[<##ff2c0a>&lJ<##ff4b08>&lU<##ff6a05>&lA<##ff8903>&lN<##ffa800>&l] og: <##ff4aed>&l&n[<##af34f9>&l&nO<##6146ff>&l&nG<##1480ff>&l&n] grape: <##e087ff>&l[<##d386ff>&lG<##c685ff>&lR<##b984ff>&lA<##ab82ff>&lP<##9e81ff>&lE<##9180ff>&l] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- command /prestige [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lPrestige" to player format slot 0 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with blaze powder named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is false: format slot 10 of player with redstone dust named "&c&lPrestige Display On" with lore "&fDisplays your prestige Level in Chat" and "&e&nExample:" and " " and "&f&lOWNER &fSATRN &c> &7The display is &cOff&7!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige displayon"] else: format slot 10 of player with emerald named "&a&lPrestige Display On" with lore "&fDisplays your prestige Level in Chat" and "&e&nExample:" and " " and "&6&l[P7] &f&lOWNER &fSATRN &c> &7The display is &aOn&7!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige displayoff"] format slot 11 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with gold nugget named " " to be unstealable if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 0: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 10: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P0]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P1]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/10)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 10 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P0]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P1]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/10)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 1: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 15: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P1]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P2]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/15)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 15 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P1]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P2]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/15)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 2: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 25: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P2]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P3]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/25)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 25 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P2]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P3]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/25)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 3: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 40: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P3]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P4]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/40)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 40 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P3]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P4]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/40)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 4: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 60: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P4]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P5]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/60)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 60 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P4]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P5]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/60)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 5: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 85: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P5]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P6]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/85)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 85 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P5]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P6]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/85)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 6: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 115: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P6]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P7]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/115)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 115 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P6]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P7]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/115)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 7: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 150: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P7]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P8]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/150)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 150 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P7]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P8]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/150)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 8: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 200: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P8]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P9]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/200)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 200 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P8]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P9]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/200)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 9: if {kills::%player's uuid%} >= 250: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P9]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P10]" and " " and "&a&l✔ &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/250)" and "&c&lWARNING!" and "&6&nThis will reset your balance!" and " " and "&a&lCLICK TO PRESTIGE" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] else: set {_killsleft} to ( 250 - {kills::%uuid of player%} ) format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P9]" and "&eNext Level: &6&l[P10]" and " " and "&c&l× &7(%{kills::%player's uuid%}%/250)" and "&cYou need %{_killsleft}% more kills to prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 10: format slot 13 of player with honeycomb named "&e&kx &6&lPRESTIGE &e&kx" with lore " " and "&eCurrent level: &6&l[P10]" and "&eYou are at Max Prestige!" to close then run [make player execute command "/prestige upgrade"] format slot 14 of player with gold nugget named " " to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&c&lDISPLAY FAKE PRESTIGE LEVEL" with lore "&7Displays a fake prestige level in chat" and " " and "&fMust have &3&lULTRA &fRank or Higher" and "&4&l[!] &cResets when you Level Up!" and " " and "&6Click to Enter a Number &7(0-99)" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with blaze powder named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with orange stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable if arg-1 is "upgrade": if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 0: if player's balance >= 1000: subtract 1000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 1!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 1 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 1: if player's balance >= 3000: subtract 3000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 2!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 2 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 2: if player's balance >= 7500: subtract 7500 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 3!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 3 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 3: if player's balance >= 12000: subtract 12000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 4!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 4 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 4: if player's balance >= 17500: subtract 17500 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 5!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 5 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 5: if player's balance >= 24000: subtract 24000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 6!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 6 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 6: if player's balance >= 31500: subtract 31500 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 7!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 7 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 7: if player's balance >= 40000: subtract 40000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 8!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 8 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 8: if player's balance >= 49500: subtract 49500 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 9!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 9 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 9: if player's balance >= 60000: subtract 60000 from player's balance send "{@prefix} &6%player% &7has just prestiged to &eLevel 10!" to all players set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 10 play sound "item.totem.use" at player for player stop else: play sound "entity.villager.no" at player for player send "&cNot enough money to prestige!" to player if {prestige::%player's uuid%} is 10: send "{@prefix} &cYou are at the max level!" to player stop if arg-1 is "displayon": if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is true: send "&cPrestige Display is already on!" to player stop if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is false: set {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} to true send "&aYou have enabled Prestige Display" to player stop else if arg-1 is "displayoff": if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is false: send "&cPrestige Display is already off!" to player stop if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is true: set {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} to false send "&cYou have disabled Prestige Display" to player stop command /resetprestige: permission: resetprestige permission message: &cYou don't have permission! trigger: set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to 0 send "&eSet your prestige level to 0" to player command /setprestige <string>: permission: op trigger: set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to arg-1