Dishwasher Card 2.0
3 days ago
7.2 kB
hc_dishwasher_card: entity: sensor.dishwasher_operation_state name: Bosch Dishwasher show_label: true tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:dishwasher state: - value: "Ready" label: "Idle" styles: custom_fields: bar: - display: none stat1: - display: none stat2: - visibility: hidden # Hide stat2 (Finished At) without affecting layout stat3: - visibility: hidden # Hide stat3 (Ready/Off) without affecting layout - value: "Off" label: "Off" styles: custom_fields: bar: - display: none stat1: - display: none stat2: - visibility: hidden # Keep space for stat2 stat3: - visibility: hidden # Hide stat3 when power is off styles: card: - padding: 20px - height: 180px - font-family: montserrat grid: - grid-template-areas: '"i program" "n stat2" "bar bar" "stat1 stat3"' - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr - grid-template-rows: 70px min-content 40px min-content # Add minimum height for rows name: - justify-self: start - font-size: 16px - font-weight: 500 label: - justify-self: start - font-size: 16px - font-weight: 500 icon: - width: 36px img_cell: - justify-self: start - align-self: start - width: 36px - height: 36px custom_fields: program: - justify-self: end - align-self: end - padding-bottom: 6px - font-size: 16px - font-weight: 500 - visibility: > [[[ return states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state !== 'off' ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; ]]] stat1: - justify-self: start - font-size: 12px - opacity: 0.7 stat2: - justify-self: end - font-size: 16px - font-weight: 500 - visibility: > [[[ return states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state !== 'off' ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; ]]] stat3: - justify-self: end - font-size: 12px - opacity: 0.7 - visibility: > [[[ var powerState = states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state; if (powerState === 'off') { return 'visible'; // Keep stat3 visible when power is off } var progress = states['sensor.dishwasher_program_progress'].state; if (progress === 'unavailable' || progress === 'unknown' || progress === '') { return 'visible'; // Show stat3 as "Ready" when power is on and progress is empty } return 'visible'; // Show progress percentage otherwise ]]] bar: - justify-self: start - width: 100% - border-radius: 6px - background: var(--slider-color) - height: 16px custom_fields: bar: > [[[ var state = parseFloat(states['sensor.dishwasher_program_progress'].state); if (isNaN(state)) { state = 0; } // Ensure it defaults to 0 if the state isn't a valid number return `<div style="background: var(--slider-color); border-radius: 6px; width: 100%; height: 16px;"> <div style="background: var(--color-blue); border-radius: 6px; height: 16px; width: ${state}%;"></div> </div>`; ]]] program: | [[[ var powerState = states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state; var program = states['select.dishwasher_active_program'].state; var programLabels = { "dishcare_dishwasher_program_eco_50": "Eco", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_auto_2": "Auto", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_intensiv_70": "Heavy", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_quick_65": "Express 65°", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_night_wash": "Silent", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_machine_care": "Machine Care", "dishcare_dishwasher_program_pre_rinse": "Pre-rinse" }; // If the program is unavailable, unknown, or empty, return an empty string if (!program || program === 'unavailable' || program === 'unknown') { return ""; } return programLabels[program] || program; ]]] stat1: | [[[ // Icons for rinse aid and salt status var rinseAidState = states['sensor.dishwasher_rinse_aid_nearly_empty'].state; var saltState = states['sensor.dishwasher_salt_nearly_empty'].state; // Set the icon color based on state var rinseAidColor = rinseAidState === 'present' ? 'red' : 'gray'; var saltColor = saltState === 'present' ? 'red' : 'gray'; return ` <span style="color: ${rinseAidColor}; margin-right: 4px;"> <ha-icon icon="fapro:sparkles" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon> </span> <span style="color: ${saltColor};"> <ha-icon icon="fapro:salt-shaker" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon> </span> `; ]]] stat2: | [[[ var powerState = states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state; var finishTime = states['sensor.dishwasher_program_finish_time'].state; var program = states['select.dishwasher_active_program'].state; // If the power is off, return an empty string if (powerState === 'off') { return ""; } // If the program isn't set yet, return "Idle" if (!program || program === 'unavailable' || program === 'unknown') { return "Idle"; } // If the program is running, and finish time is available, show finish time if (finishTime && finishTime !== 'unavailable' && finishTime !== 'unknown' && !isNaN(Date.parse(finishTime))) { var time = new Date(finishTime); var hours = time.getHours(); var minutes = time.getMinutes(); return 'Finished at ' + (hours < 10 ? '0' : '') + hours + ':' + (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') + minutes; } // If the finish time is not available, return an empty string return ""; ]]] stat3: | [[[ var powerState = states['switch.dishwasher_power'].state; if (powerState === 'off') { return "Off"; // Display "Off" when the power is off } var progress = states['sensor.dishwasher_program_progress'].state; // If the progress is unavailable or empty, show "Ready" if (progress === 'unavailable' || progress === 'unknown' || progress === '') { return "Ready"; // Default to "Ready" when the dishwasher is in idle state } // Otherwise, return the progress percentage return progress + '%'; ]]]
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