2 months ago
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import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Data setup x_labels = ["WT", "F402I", "E396K", "P470L", "F439I", "P440L", "F439I/\nP440L"] bar_colors = ['red'] WT = [67.856, 66.908, 52.268, 49.443] WT_ERROR = [2.463, 0, 5.920, 1.469] F402I = [np.nan, 64.132, 49.481, np.nan] F402I_ERROR = [np.nan, 4.614, 2.969, np.nan] P470L = [52.183, 50.200, 36.948, 37.93] P470L_ERROR = [5.749, 3.453, 0.448, 4.311] F439I = [49.864, 50.544, 46.687, 39.781] F439I_ERROR = [2.939, 0.994, 0.858, 2.675] P440L = [53.635, 47.356, 36.105, np.nan] P440L_ERROR = [8.248, 2.128, 0.562, np.nan] E396K = [67.493, 65.56, 55.102, 45.62] E396K_ERROR = [2.244, 0.15, 2.873, 3.04] FIPL = [36.618, 39.324, 36.277, 34.86] FIPL_ERROR = [0, 0, 1.437, 1.14] data = [WT, F402I, E396K, P470L, F439I, P440L, FIPL] errors = [WT_ERROR, F402I_ERROR, E396K_ERROR, P470L_ERROR, F439I_ERROR, P440L_ERROR, FIPL_ERROR] # Only the 230 mM values (index 1) values = [group[1] if not np.isnan(group[1]) else 0 for group in data] error_values = [group[1] if not np.isnan(group[1]) else 0 for group in errors] # Significance info (dummy p-values for WT comparisons) # Format: [(WT_index, group_index, p-value), ...] p_values = [ (0, 1, 0.01), # WT vs. F402I (0, 2, 0.001), # WT vs. E396K (0, 3, 0.05), # WT vs. P470L (0, 4, 0.05), # WT vs. F439I (0, 5, 0.001), # WT vs. P440L (0, 6, 0.001), # WT vs. F439I/P440L ] # Plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) x = np.arange(len(x_labels)) bar_width = 0.4 # Plot bars ax.bar(x, values, bar_width, color=bar_colors[0], yerr=error_values, capsize=5, label="230 mM") # Adding significance bars def add_significance_bar(ax, x1, x2, base_height, offset, p_value): """Add a significance bar with asterisks between two bars.""" significance = "" if p_value < 0.001: significance = "***" elif p_value < 0.01: significance = "**" elif p_value < 0.05: significance = "*" bar_height = base_height + offset # Stagger the bars ax.plot([x1, x1, x2, x2], [bar_height, bar_height + 0.5, bar_height + 0.5, bar_height], lw=1.5, color='red') ax.text((x1 + x2) * 0.5, bar_height + 0.5, significance, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=12, color='red') # Add significance bars for each WT comparison base_height = max([v + e for v, e in zip(values, error_values)]) # Find the tallest bar + error offset = 2 # Initial offset for i, (wt_idx, group_idx, p_val) in enumerate(p_values): add_significance_bar(ax, x[wt_idx], x[group_idx], base_height, offset * (i + 1), p_val) # Customization ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels) ax.set_ylabel('D₀ (nm)') ax.set_title('D₀ Values at 230 mM with WT Comparisons') ax.set_ylim(20, base_height + offset * (len(p_values) + 2)) # Extend ylim for readability ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.grid(True, axis='y', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5, color='gray', alpha=0.7) # Save and show plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('D_for_230mM_WT_comparisons_staggered.svg', dpi=800) plt.show()
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