a year ago
3.4 kB
local SizeToDistanceMode = true --Becomes blocky father depending on the size of the block local LOD_Distance = 50 local CollisonBasedOnPart = true --Depends if the collison of the fake part is based on the real part collision local Rep = game.ReplicatedStorage local function AddFake(ShadowState, Part) Part.Parent = Rep.PartHolder local FakePart = Instance.new("Part") FakePart.Anchored = true FakePart.Color = Part.Color FakePart.CanCollide = CollisonBasedOnPart and Part.CanCollide or false FakePart.CastShadow = false FakePart.Size = Part.Size FakePart.CFrame = Part.CFrame FakePart.Parent = workspace FakePart.Transparency = Part.Transparency FakePart.Name = "FakePart" Part.CastShadow = ShadowState end local WaitLoad = 0 local MaxWaitLoad = 500 local function WaitTimer() WaitLoad += 1 if WaitLoad%MaxWaitLoad == 0 then WaitLoad = 0 wait() end end spawn(function() while wait() do --//////////////////////////// --/////LEVEL OF DETAIL!!!///// --//////////////////////////// local CamPos = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position --Checks if the fake part is to close to the camera, then removes the fake part for _, Part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if Part:IsA("Part") then if Part.Name == "FakePart" then WaitTimer() if not SizeToDistanceMode then if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude <= LOD_Distance then delay(0.5,function() Part:Destroy() end) end else local AverageSize = (Part.Size.X + Part.Size.Y + Part.Size.Z) / 3 if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude <= LOD_Distance * AverageSize then delay(0.5,function() Part:Destroy() end) end end end end end --Checks if the real part is to close to the camera, then adds the real part for _, Part in pairs(Rep.PartHolder:GetChildren()) do if Part:IsA("MeshPart") or Part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Mesh") or Part:IsA("UnionOperation") then WaitTimer() if not SizeToDistanceMode then if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude <= LOD_Distance then Part.Parent = workspace end else local AverageSize = (Part.Size.X + Part.Size.Y + Part.Size.Z) / 3 if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude <= LOD_Distance * AverageSize then Part.Parent = workspace end end end end --Checks all of the real parts and moves them to the storage, then creates a fake part on top of the real part for _, Part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Part.Parent) then if Part:IsA("MeshPart") or Part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Mesh") or Part:IsA("UnionOperation") then local State = false for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Part:IsDescendantOf(Plr.Character) then State = true end end WaitTimer() if not State then if not SizeToDistanceMode then if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude >= LOD_Distance then AddFake(false, Part) end else local AverageSize = (Part.Size.X + Part.Size.Y + Part.Size.Z) / 3 if (Part.Position - CamPos).Magnitude >= LOD_Distance * AverageSize then AddFake(false, Part) end end end end end end end end)
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