from HIMUServer import HIMUServer
import pandas as pd
import turtle
import numpy
import serial
# getting change in orientation from gyroscope value
def get_o_i(gyro):
return gyro * 0.1
# drawing the route
wn = turtle.Screen()
wn.bgcolor("light green")
skk = turtle.Turtle()
port = 'COM8' # Replace with the port name or device path
baud_rate = 115200 # Replace with the appropriate baud rate
# creating dataframe for collecting sensor data
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['acc_x', 'acc_y', 'acc_z', 'gyro_x', 'gyro_y', 'gyro_z'])
# Open the serial connection
ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE,
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1)
# Create an empty Pandas Series to store the distances
distances = pd.Series(dtype=float)
# Read data from the port
while True:
if ser.in_waiting > 0:
line = ser.readline().decode().strip()
# Parse the line and extract distance values
if line.startswith("Distance"):
distance_str = line.split("=")[1].strip()
distance = float(distance_str)
# Append the distance to the Pandas Series
distances = distances.append(pd.Series(distance))
# Go to the next distance if position line is encountered
elif line.startswith("Position"):
# listener implementation for collecting accelerometer and gyroscope data
class MyCustomListener:
def __init__(self): # can use (self, server_instance) too but need to add it when creating listener later
def notify(self, sensor_data):
# Customize the notify method in order to elaborate data
# sensorData contains String values (see HIMUServer.__extractSensorData())
for sensors in sensor_data:
acc = HIMUServer.strings2Floats(sensors[0])
gyro = HIMUServer.strings2Floats(sensors[1])
row = [acc[0], acc[1], acc[2], gyro[0], gyro[1], gyro[2]]
o_i = numpy.rad2deg(get_o_i(row[4])) # change in orientation
# have moved turtle according to given data each 100ms
if len(df.index) > 1:
d_i = distances[len(df.index) - 1] - distances[len(df.index) - 2] # distance travelled
d_i = distances[len(df.index)]
skk.forward(d_i * 10)
df.loc[len(df.index)] = row
# HIMUServer instance:
myHIMUServer = HIMUServer()
# Creating listener and adding it to the server instance:
myListener = MyCustomListener()
# Change the timeout (in seconds) :
myHIMUServer.timeout = 5
# Launch acquisition via UDP on port 2055:
myHIMUServer.start("UDP", 2055)
# Close the serial connection