
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
8.0 kB

#  _____ _____ _____ ____     ___   ___   
# |  |  |     |     |    \   |_  | |_  |  
# |  |  |  |  |-- --|  |  |   _| |_ _| |_ 
#  \___/|_____|_____|____/   |_____|_____|

	disabled: &4&l<!> &cThis item has been disabled
	bounty: &6&lBOUNTY&7
	currency: $
	prefix: &d&lVoid11
	worldname: VoidWorld
	tagprice: 10000
	Ban List: player head


	spam-bypass-permission: antispam.bypass
	spam-no-bypass-message: &cPlease wait &6%{spam.timer.%player%}%&r &cseconds before sending another message
	spamtime: 2


	mode: "both" #enabled modes (type, unscramble, or both)

	randomString: false #uses random strings of words (forces "type" mode)
	# if you want it case sensitive, enable it in the SKRIPT config
	stringMin: 2 #random string minimum character length
	stringMax: 25 #random string maximum character length (cannot exceed 25)
	caseSensitive: true #only affects the display of random strings, if not enabled in SKRIPT config, answering will not be case sensitive

	timeInt: 5 minutes #time between each reaction
	timeout: 30 seconds #time players have to answer

	#combat tag

	CPrefix: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l]
	CT-Time: 10
	MobsCombat-Tag: false


	noob: <##00fff0>&l[<##1ae4f1>&lN<##34c9f3>&lO<##4faff4>&lO<##6994f6>&lB<##8379f7>&l]
	sped: <##ff0000>&l&o[<##ff6666>&l&oS<##ffcccc>&l&oP<##ccddff>&l&oE<##669aff>&l&oD<##0057ff>&l&o]
	magic: <##ff0000>&l[<##ff6a00>&lM<##ffd400>&lA<##7fff00>&lG<##00ff4b>&lI<##2bd8d6>&lC<##ff17a2>&l]
	god: <##8affff>&l[<##a7ffff>&lG<##c5ffff>&lO<##e2ffff>&lD<##ffffff>&l]
	hacker: <##bd0000>&l&k[<##d00000>&lH<##e30000>&lA<##f60000>&lC<##f60000>&lK<##e30000>&lE<##d00000>&lR<##bd0000>&l&k]
	imrich: <##0ec415>&l[<##2bd10f>&lI<##4ce009>&lM <##79f503>&lR<##6ef321>&lI<##2cdc62>&lC<##2ee883>&lH<##45ff9a>&l]
	juan: <##ff0d0d>&l[<##ff2c0a>&lJ<##ff4b08>&lU<##ff6a05>&lA<##ff8903>&lN<##ffa800>&l]
	og: <##ff4aed>&l&n[<##af34f9>&l&nO<##6146ff>&l&nG<##1480ff>&l&n]
	grape: <##e087ff>&l[<##d386ff>&lG<##c685ff>&lR<##b984ff>&lA<##ab82ff>&lP<##9e81ff>&lE<##9180ff>&l]

command /grules:
		play sound "ui.button.click" at player for player
		make player execute command "/rules"

command /gbounty:
		play sound "ui.button.click" at player for player
		make player execute command "/bounty"

command /gclans:
		play sound "ui.button.click" at player for player
		make player execute command "/clans"

command /gprestige:
		play sound "ui.button.click" at player for player
		wait 1 tick
		close player's inventory
		wait 2 ticks
		make player execute command "/prestige"

command /gauctionhouse:
		play sound "ui.button.click" at player for player
		make player execute command "/ah"
command /guide:

	usage: /guide

	description: Shows this help message.

	aliases: help, info

		play sound "item.trident.riptide_1" at player for player

		set metadata tag "guide" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lGuide"

		set slot 0 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 1 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 2 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 3 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 4 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 5 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 6 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 7 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 8 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 9 of metadata tag "guide" of player to chest named "&e&lAuction House" with lore " " and "&6This is essentially a player store" and "&a&lBuy &fand &c&lSell &fitems with the following commands" and " " and "&f&l➥ &e/ah &fView the Auction House" and "&f&l➥ &e/ah sell &fList an Item in the Auction House" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View"

		set slot 10 of metadata tag "guide" of player to honeycomb named "&6&lPrestige" with lore " " and "&ePrestige levels with grant you higher" and "&erewards for killing other players" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View"

		set slot 11 of metadata tag "guide" of player to iron sword named "&a&lBounty Hunting" with lore " " and "&f&l➥ &3Coward with Beef?" and " " and "&9Set bountries on other players" and "for people to collects when killing them" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View"
		set slot 12 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 13 of metadata tag "guide" of player to end crystal named "&b&lMain Info" with lore " " and "&eWelcome to &d&lVoid11" and " " and "&9This is a NON-Anarchy Duping Server!" and "&bYour main commands will be &6/dupe &b& &6/toggle" and "&f&l➥ &6/dupe &fMultiplies the Item in your hand &ax2" and "&f&l➥ &6/toggle &fchanges whether you recieve random items or not" and "&7&nItems are given every 30 seconds" and " " and "&bOther Catagories will be listed to the left & right" and "&eYou may access the Server's store with &6/buy"
		set slot 14 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 15 of metadata tag "guide" of player to ender pearl named "&3&lClaims" with lore " " and "&eFirst and find the hidden &cTarget Block &ein spawn!" and " " and "&fAny &dprojectiles &fthat hit said block will teleport you to a random location within &b&l(-2,000 through 2,000)"

		set slot 16 of metadata tag "guide" of player to oak sign named "&d&lClans" with lore " " and "&eAn event started by a &bStaff Member" and " " and "&fBecome the &6&lKing &fby standing your ground" and "&fat the &eTop of Spawn&f!"

		set slot 17 of metadata tag "guide" of player to redstone named "&4&lThe Purge" with lore " " and "&cThe Purge is an uncommon event which" and "&cwill &6deactivate keep-inventory" and " " and "&cKill other players for" and "&e&lDOUBLE &cthe reward" and " " and "&7Survive the Purge for &a+$50"


		set slot 18 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 19 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 20 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 21 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 22 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 23 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 24 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 25 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		set slot 26 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " "

		open (metadata tag "guide" of player) to player


on inventory click:

	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "guide" of player):

		cancel event

		if index of event-slot is 9:

			close player's inventory

			execute player command "/gauctionhouse"

		else if index of event-slot is 10:

			close player's inventory

			execute player command "/gprestige"

		else if index of event-slot is 11:

			close player's inventory

			execute player command "/gbounty"
		else if index of event-slot is 16:

			close player's inventory

			execute player command "/gclans"