2 months ago
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<?php namespace App\Tests\pest\Unit\Content\Service\Entity\Controlpanel\ModelMetaData; use App\Content\Service\Entity\Controlpanel\ModelMetaData; class Calculator { public function add(int $a, int $b): int { if (!is_int($a) || !is_int($b)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Both inputs must be integers.'); } return $a + $b; } } class CalculatorService { private Calculator $calculator; public function __construct(Calculator $calculator) { $this->calculator = $calculator; } public function doubleSum(int $a, int $b): int { return $this->calculator->add($a, $b) * 2; } } beforeEach(function() { $this->calculator = mock(Calculator::class); $this->service = new CalculatorService($this->calculator); }); describe('test that checks if math works', function() { dataset('numbers', [ [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 4], [3, 2, 5], [4, 2, 6], [5, 2, 7], [6, 2, 8], [7, 2, 9], [8, 2, 10], [9, 2, 11], [10, 2, 12], [10, 1, 11] ]); dataset('edge cases', [ [1, 2, 3], [-1, -2, -3], [-7, 8, 1] ]); it('if true is true', function() { expect(true)->toBeTrue(); }); it('checks if the values in the array ammount to the right sum :key', function($a, $b, $sum) { expect($a+$b)->toBe($sum); })->with('numbers'); it('checks for edge cases', function($a, $b, $sum) { expect($a+$b)->toBe($sum); })->with('edge cases'); it(' checks the functioning of calculatorservice', function($a, $b, $sum) { $this->calculator->shouldReceive('add') ->with($a, $b) ->andReturn($sum); expect($this->service->doubleSum($a, $b))->toBe($sum*2); })->with('numbers'); }); describe(' test that checks for invalid types', function() { dataset('nullable inputs', [ [null, null, 0], [1, null, 1], [null, 2, 2], ]); it('checks if the exception is thrown', function($a, $b, $sum) { $this->calculator->shouldReceive('add') ->with($a, $b) ->andThrow(new \InvalidArgumentException('Both inputs must be integers.')); expect(fn() => $this->service->doubleSum($a, $b))->toThrow(\TypeError::class); })->with('nullable inputs'); });
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