## If the current charecter is after the white space, factor the whitespace into the charecter positioning
## this is to replicate the input sting and the license plate design
## Index is the key to the charecter in the input string
if index > whitespacePos:
## If the charecter is I or 1 factor in the spacing required to replicate a license plate design
## The spcaing is needed becuase without correction the i and the 1 charecters sit far left of their position due to their slim nature
if letter == 'I':
posIndex = (15*index)+(12.5+15)
elif letter == '1':
posIndex = (15*index)+(12.5+15)
posIndex = (15*index)+(7.5+15)
if letter == 'I':
posIndex = (15*index)+(12.5+15)
elif letter == '1':
posIndex = (15*index)+(12.5+15)
posIndex = (15*index)+(7.5+15)
## not needed for the refactor just letting oyu know where posIndex Goes
shapeStringObj.Placement.Base = App.Vector(posIndex, 2, 5)