
mail@pastecode.io avatar
17 days ago
16 kB
import traceback

import discord

import random
import asyncio
from random import choice
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
#from discord.app_commands import cooldown, BucketType
import json
import time
import re
import os
from discord.ext.commands import CooldownMapping, BucketType
from discord.ui import View  # Importing View class from discord.ui
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import math
from math import ceil
from typing import Literal
from discord.ui import Button, View
import sqlite3
import string
#import datetime
import psutil
from typing import Optional

class ServerEconomy(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.db = sqlite3.connect('server.db')
        self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
        self.db1 = sqlite3.connect('economy.db')
        self.cursor1 = self.db1.cursor()
        self.moneyemoji = "<a:MoneyGIFNexus:1274650931992072205>"
        self.ongoing_bankrobs = {}

    def setup_database(self):
        self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users
                            (user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                            wallet INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
                            bank INTEGER DEFAULT 0)''')
        self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server_pools
                            (server_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                            money INTEGER DEFAULT 0)''')
        self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server_items
                            (server_id INTEGER,
                            item_name TEXT,
                            quantity INTEGER,
                            PRIMARY KEY (server_id, item_name))''')
        self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server_managers
                            (server_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                            role_id INTEGER)''')

    def get_server_money(self, server_id):
        self.cursor.execute("SELECT money FROM server_pools WHERE server_id = ?", (server_id,))
        result = self.cursor.fetchone()
        return result[0] if result else 0

    def get_server_items(self, server_id):
        self.cursor.execute("SELECT item_name, quantity FROM server_items WHERE server_id = ?", (server_id,))
        return dict(self.cursor.fetchall())

    def update_server_money(self, server_id, amount):
        self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_pools (server_id, money) VALUES (?, ?)",
                            (server_id, self.get_server_money(server_id) + amount))

    def update_server_item(self, server_id, item_name, quantity):
        self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_items (server_id, item_name, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
                            (server_id, item_name, quantity))

    def update_balance(self, user_id, amount, account_type='wallet'):
        self.cursor.execute(f"UPDATE users SET {account_type} = {account_type} + ? WHERE user_id = ?", (amount, user_id))

    def parse_amount(self, amount_str):
        multipliers = {'k': 1000, 'm': 1000000, 'b': 1000000000}
        match = re.match(r"(\d+)([kmb])?$", amount_str)
        if match:
            number, multiplier = match.groups()
            number = int(number)
            if multiplier:
                number *= multipliers[multiplier.lower()]
            return number
        return 0

    def check_manager_role(self, ctx):
        server_id = ctx.guild.id
        self.cursor.execute("SELECT role_id FROM server_managers WHERE server_id = ?", (server_id,))
        manager_role_id = self.cursor.fetchone()
        if not manager_role_id:
            return False
        return discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, id=manager_role_id[0]) is not None

    @commands.hybrid_group(name="server", fallback="info")
    async def server(self, ctx):
        """Server economy commands"""
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            await ctx.send("Use `server bankrob` or `server payout` for more information.")

    @server.command(name="manager", description="Set the role for server bankrob and payout permissions")
    @app_commands.describe(role="The role to set as server manager")
    async def server_manager(self, ctx, role: discord.Role):
        server_id = ctx.guild.id
        self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_managers (server_id, role_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
                            (server_id, role.id))
        embed = discord.Embed(
            title="Server Manager Role Set",
            description=f"{role.mention} has been set as the server manager role. Users with this role can now use server bankrob and server payout commands.",
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    async def server_pool(self, ctx):
        server_id = ctx.guild.id
        money = self.get_server_money(server_id)
        items = self.get_server_items(server_id)

        embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{ctx.guild.name}'s Server Pool", color=discord.Color.gold())
        embed.add_field(name="Money", value=f"{self.moneyemoji} {money:,}", inline=False)
        if items:
            items_str = "\n".join([f"{item}: {quantity}" for item, quantity in items.items()])
            embed.add_field(name="Items", value=items_str, inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="Items", value="No items in the pool", inline=False)

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    async def server_donate(self, ctx, quantity, item: Optional[str] = None):
        server_id = ctx.guild.id
        if item is None:
            # Donating money
                amount = int(quantity.replace('k', '000').replace('m', '000000').replace('b', '000000000'))
            except ValueError:
                await ctx.send("Invalid amount format. Use a number or shorthand like 20k, 2m, 2b.")

            confirm_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Donation Confirmation",
                description=f"Are you sure you want to donate {self.moneyemoji} {amount:,} to the Server Pool?",
            # Donating item
                quantity = int(quantity)
            except ValueError:
                await ctx.send("Invalid quantity. Please use a number.")

            confirm_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Donation Confirmation",
                description=f"Are you sure you want to donate {quantity} {item} to the Server Pool?",

        view = discord.ui.View()
        view.add_item(discord.ui.Button(label="Yes", style=discord.ButtonStyle.green, custom_id="confirm"))
        view.add_item(discord.ui.Button(label="No", style=discord.ButtonStyle.red, custom_id="cancel"))

        message = await ctx.send(embed=confirm_embed, view=view)

        def check(interaction):
            return interaction.message.id == message.id and interaction.user.id == ctx.author.id

            interaction = await self.bot.wait_for("interaction", timeout=30.0, check=check)

            if interaction.data["custom_id"] == "confirm":
                if item is None:
                    # Update server pool
                    self.cursor.execute("UPDATE server_pools SET money = money + ? WHERE server_id = ?", (amount, server_id))
                    # Update user balance
                    self.cursor1.execute("UPDATE users SET wallet = wallet - ? WHERE user_id = ?", (amount, ctx.author.id))
                    await ctx.send(f"Successfully donated {self.moneyemoji} {amount:,} to the Server Pool.")
                    # Update server items
                    self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_items (server_id, item_name, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, coalesce((SELECT quantity FROM server_items WHERE server_id = ? AND item_name = ?), 0) + ?)",
                                        (server_id, item, server_id, item, quantity))
                    # Update user inventory
                    self.cursor1.execute("UPDATE inventory SET quantity = quantity - ? WHERE user_id = ? AND item_name = ?",
                                        (quantity, ctx.author.id, item))
                    await ctx.send(f"Successfully donated {quantity} {item} to the Server Pool.")


                await ctx.send("Donation cancelled.")

        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await ctx.send("Donation timed out.")

        await message.edit(view=None)

    @server.command(name="bankrob", description="Start a bankrob on the server pool")
    @app_commands.describe(amount="The amount to rob from the server pool")
    async def server_bankrob(self, ctx, amount: str):
        if not self.check_manager_role(ctx):
            await ctx.send("You don't have permission to use this command. You need the server manager role.")

        server_id = ctx.guild.id
        target_amount = self.parse_amount(amount)

        server_money = self.get_server_money(server_id)
        if server_money < target_amount:
            await ctx.send("The server doesn't have that much money to rob!")

        view = BankRobView(ctx, target_amount, self)
        self.ongoing_bankrobs[server_id] = view

        embed = discord.Embed(
            title="Server Bankrob Started",
            description=f"{ctx.author.mention} is starting a bankrob on the server pool for {self.moneyemoji} {target_amount:,}. Click the button below to join!",
        embed.set_thumbnail(url=ctx.guild.icon.url if ctx.guild.icon else None)
        message = await ctx.send(embed=embed, view=view)
        view.message = message

    @server.command(name="payout", description="Pay a user from the server pool")
    @app_commands.describe(user="The user to pay", quantity="The amount to pay", item="The item to give (optional)")
    async def server_payout(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, quantity: str, item: Optional[str] = None):
        if not self.check_manager_role(ctx):
            await ctx.send("You don't have permission to use this command. You need the server manager role.")

        server_id = ctx.guild.id

        if item is None:
            # Paying out money
            amount = self.parse_amount(quantity)
            server_money = self.get_server_money(server_id)
            if server_money < amount:
                await ctx.send("The server doesn't have enough money for this payout.")

            confirm_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Payout Confirmation",
                description=f"Are you sure you want to pay {self.moneyemoji} {amount:,} to {user.mention}?",
            # Paying out item
                quantity = int(quantity)
            except ValueError:
                await ctx.send("Invalid quantity. Please use a number.")

            server_items = self.get_server_items(server_id)
            if item not in server_items or server_items[item] < quantity:
                await ctx.send("The server doesn't have enough of this item for the payout.")

            confirm_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Payout Confirmation",
                description=f"Are you sure you want to give {quantity} {item} to {user.mention}?",

        view = discord.ui.View(timeout=30)
        view.add_item(discord.ui.Button(label="Yes", style=discord.ButtonStyle.green, custom_id="confirm"))
        view.add_item(discord.ui.Button(label="No", style=discord.ButtonStyle.red, custom_id="cancel"))

        message = await ctx.send(embed=confirm_embed, view=view)

        def check(interaction):
            return interaction.message.id == message.id and interaction.user.id == ctx.author.id

            interaction = await self.bot.wait_for("interaction", timeout=30.0, check=check)

            if interaction.data["custom_id"] == "confirm":
                if item is None:
                    self.update_server_money(server_id, -amount)
                    self.update_balance(user.id, amount, 'wallet')
                    await ctx.send(f"Successfully paid {self.moneyemoji} {amount:,} to {user.mention}.")
                    current_quantity = self.get_server_items(server_id)[item]
                    self.update_server_item(server_id, item, current_quantity - quantity)
                    self.add_item_to_inventory(user.id, item, quantity)
                    await ctx.send(f"Successfully gave {quantity} {item} to {user.mention}.")
                await ctx.send("Payout cancelled.")

        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await ctx.send("Payout timed out.")

        await message.edit(view=None)

class BankRobView(discord.ui.View):
    def __init__(self, ctx, target_amount, cog):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.target_amount = target_amount
        self.cog = cog
        self.participants = []
        self.message = None

    @discord.ui.button(label="JOIN BANKROB", style=discord.ButtonStyle.green, custom_id="join_bankrob")
    async def join_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
        if interaction.user not in self.participants:
            await interaction.response.send_message("You have successfully joined the Bankrob.", ephemeral=True)
            await interaction.response.send_message("You have already joined the Bankrob.", ephemeral=True)

    async def on_timeout(self):
        for child in self.children:
            child.disabled = True
        await self.message.edit(view=self)

        if len(self.participants) < 5:
            await self.ctx.send("Not enough participants. The bankrob has failed!")

        success_chance = random.random()
        if success_chance < 0.5:  # 50% chance of success
            self.cog.update_server_money(self.ctx.guild.id, -self.target_amount)
            share = self.target_amount // len(self.participants)
            success_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Server Bankrob Successful!",
                description=f"The bankrob was successful! Each participant gets {self.cog.moneyemoji} {share:,}",
            for participant in self.participants:
                self.cog.update_balance(participant.id, share, 'wallet')
                success_embed.add_field(name=participant.name, value=f"{self.cog.moneyemoji} {share:,}", inline=False)

            await self.ctx.send(embed=success_embed)

            fail_embed = discord.Embed(
                title="Server Bankrob Failed!",
                description="The bankrob was unsuccessful. Better luck next time!",
            await self.ctx.send(embed=fail_embed)

async def setup(bot):
    await bot.add_cog(ServerEconomy(bot))

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