Resume Template - modified Jake's Resume

8 months ago
5.7 kB
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%CV Sections inspired by: 

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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} C @{}}
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \Huge{Name Here} \\[4pt]
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faEnvelope}}} $|$
\href{tel:+11234567890}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faMobile} +1 1234 567 890} $|$
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faGithub}}} $|$
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faLinkedin}}} $|$


\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{Company Name}} \hfill March 2024 - Present \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Senior Full-stack Engineer}}\ \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Hydrabad, Telangana} \\[4pt]
    \begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
        \item \textbf{Led a team of Engineers} to build a chat-platform for \textbf{MVP release}
        \item Successfully released the \textbf{Beta version} to acquire the \textbf{First 1000 Users}

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{Company Name}} \hfill June 2021 - July 2023 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textit{\textbf{Lead Product Engineer}}\ \hfill \textit{Mumbai, Maharashtra} \\[5pt]
    \begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
        \item \textbf{Led a team of 4 people} to drive revenue, achieving organizational \textbf{break-even point}
        \item Acquired \textbf{10K+ users} by building a web-app for boot-camp that helped conduct sessions on Meditation and Workout
        \item Tested and Identified \textbf{critical bugs} in customer-facing products, and helped resolve them along with Android team
        \item Built internal tools for data analysis and decision-making

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textit{\textbf{Software Engineer}}\ \hfill \\[4pt]
    \begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
        \item Reduced  bandwidth by \textbf{up to 78\%} through implementation of HTTP Live Streaming, improving user experience
        \item Reduced API \textbf{response time by 99\%} by implementing caching mechanisms, resulting in better conversions
        \item Seamlessly handled \textbf{thousands of transactions} on a monthly basis by building the Payment Infrastructure end-to-end
        \item Designed robust database schema that helped shape the foundation of the back-end infrastructure for the start-up    \end{itemize}

% Education
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
    \color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{Gauhati University} & \hfill 2020 \\
    \color[HTML]{371e77} Degree {} & \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{City, State} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{Relevant Courses: }

% Projects

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{{\href{}{ \faGithub{ RepoName }}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} {} \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Social Media App for Meme Sharing}} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Firebase, React, TypeScript, Git} \\[5pt]
    \begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
        \item Developed a meme-centered social media platform, closely resembling Instagram’s interface
        \item Implemented real-time features using Firebase to enhance user engagement, allowing instant updates on likes, and comments

% Skills
    \begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
        \item RESTful, Node, Fastify, Express, Node, JavaScript, SASS
        \item MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, 
        \item React, Next, GatsBy, TailwindCSS, TypeScript
        \item GraphQL, PrismaORM, Rust, Docker, Git, AWS, TerraForm
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