a year ago
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create table cdm_stage.lesson_presence ( subject_pk varchar not null, id bigint, room_hash varchar(14) not null, user_id bigint not null, last_presence_at timestamp(0), created_at timestamp(0) not null, updated_at timestamp(0) not null, last_joined_at timestamp(0), last_presence_at_ms bigint, last_joined_at_ms bigint, source varchar(32), mt_proc_id bigint not null, mt_ins_dttm timestamp not null, mt_hash bigint not null, mt_actual_flag boolean default true not null ) with (appendonly = true, orientation = column, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel = 5) distributed by (id); with lesson_presence as ( select 'math' as subject_pk, * from raw_math_580.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'russian', * from raw_skysmart_russian_760.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'physics', * from raw_skysmart_physics_770.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'chess', * from raw_skysmart_chess_780.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'social_science', * from raw_skysmart_social_science_790.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'preschool', * from raw_skysmart_preschool_800.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'homeschool', * from raw_skysmart_homeschool_810.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'english', * from raw_skysmart_english_820.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'mnemonics', * from raw_skysmart_mnemonics_830.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'chemistry', * from raw_skysmart_chemistry_840.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'career_guidance', * from raw_skysmart_career_guidance_850.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'literature', * from raw_skysmart_literature_860.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'computer_science', * from raw_skysmart_computer_science_870.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'history', * from raw_skysmart_history_880.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'geography', * from raw_skysmart_geography_890.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag union all select 'biology', * from raw_skysmart_biology_900.lesson_presence where mt_actual_flag ) select subject_pk, id, room_hash, user_id, last_presence_at, created_at, updated_at, last_joined_at, last_presence_at_ms, last_joined_at_ms, source from lesson_presence