jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // create a new variable for a pop chat sound to be used below var pop; pop = new Audio('/wp-content/plugins/punch-chatbot/assets/media/pop.mp3'); // wait for the users first click and then play a pop sound to attract interest in the chatbot - trigger it only once document.addEventListener('click', function(){ pop.play(); }, {once : true}); // hide the popup message on click $('.punch-chatbot-icon-message__close').click(function(){ $('.punch-chatbot-icon-message').hide(); // register the click in the db for reporting - 3 is Chatbot Prompt Refused var data = {'action': 'punch_chatbot_ajax','chatbot_action': 3}; $.post('wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data, function(response) { console.log(response); }); }); // open the settings on click $('.punch-chatbot-holder__header__settings').click(function(){ if($('.punch-chatbot-holder__header__settings__content').hasClass('active')){ $('.punch-chatbot-holder__header__settings__content').removeClass('active'); } else { $('.punch-chatbot-holder__header__settings__content').addClass('active'); } }); // set the chatbot body for appending and internal scrolling below var chatbot_body = $('.punch-chatbot-holder__body'); // loop through each result as we now have an option for going back to the start on the final results $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.result').each(function(){ // get the result back link var backLink = $('.result_link.back_link', this).data('next'); // register a click of this $('.result_link.back_link', this).click(function(){ // do the date stuff for the message time/date update var currentDate = new Date(); var month = currentDate.getMonth()+1; if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month;} var minutes = currentDate.getMinutes(); if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes;} var time = currentDate.getHours() + ":" + minutes; var ampm = currentDate.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; var dayString = currentDate.getDate() + '/' + month + '/' + currentDate.getFullYear(); // add a delay to make it look like its thinking about whats happening setTimeout(function(){ // loop through each question and get the 1st one so we can start the journey again $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.question').each(function(){ questionNext = $(this).data('question-id'); var current = $(this); // allow clicking of the buttons on the questions again as we are restarting current.find('button').prop('disabled', false); current.find('.cbButton').attr("disabled", false); if(questionNext == backLink){ $('.date', this).html(dayString + " " + time + ampm); $(this).addClass('active'); // append the first question back to the bottom of the chatbot and scroll to this chatbot_body.append($(this)); chatbot_body.animate({scrollTop: chatbot_body.prop("scrollHeight")}, 500); // play a funky sound pop.play(); } }); }, 2000); }); }); // loop through each question and set the answer on select $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.question').each(function(){ var question = $(this).data('question-id'); var current = $(this); // used below to set the next question var questionNext; // show the first question on load if(question == 1){ $(this).show(); } // record a click of the button options below each question $('button', current).each(function(){ var button = $(this); $(button).click(function(){ // use selection as some questions have more than 1 result so this helps to identify which we need var selection = $(this).data('selection'); // get the next question id if set var next = $(this).data('next'); // get the result id if set var result = $(this).data('result'); // date stuff used below for getting message time making it look like a real chat var currentDate = new Date(); var month = currentDate.getMonth()+1; if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month;} var minutes = currentDate.getMinutes(); if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes;} var time = currentDate.getHours() + ":" + minutes; var ampm = currentDate.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; var dayString = currentDate.getDate() + '/' + month + '/' + currentDate.getFullYear(); // find the answer and show it for this question, fill the answer with the selection $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.answer').each(function(){ var answer = $(this).data('question-id'); // disable button clicks on the above question so they cant mess up the journey current.find('button').prop('disabled', true); current.find('.cbButton').attr("disabled", "disabled"); // show the answer given if(answer == question){ $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).find('.answer.chat_response_holder').html(selection); chatbot_body.append($(this)); chatbot_body.animate({scrollTop: chatbot_body.prop("scrollHeight")}, 500); $('.date', this).html(dayString + " " + time + ampm); } }); // add a delay to make it look like its thinking about whats happening setTimeout(function(){ // load the next question only if(next){ $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.question').each(function(){ questionNext = $(this).data('question-id'); // show the next question based on the given data next id if(questionNext == next){ $('.date', this).html(dayString + " " + time + ampm); // allow button clicks on the next question $(this).find('button').prop('disabled', false); $(this).find('.cbButton').attr("disabled", false); $(this).addClass('active'); chatbot_body.append($(this)); chatbot_body.animate({scrollTop: chatbot_body.prop("scrollHeight")}, 500); pop.play(); } }); } // if we are showing a result instead of another question if(result){ $('.punch-chatbot-holder__message.result').each(function(){ questionNext = $(this).data('question-id'); resultSelection = $(this).data('selection'); // get the correct result as mentioned above some question id's have 2-3 results if(questionNext == result && resultSelection == selection){ $('.date', this).html(dayString + " " + time + ampm); $(this).addClass('active'); chatbot_body.append($(this)); chatbot_body.animate({scrollTop: chatbot_body.prop("scrollHeight")}, 500); pop.play(); } }); } }, 2000); }); }); }); // wait 3 seconds then add the cta message to attract interest setTimeout(function(){ if($('.punch-chatbot-holder').is(":hidden")){ $('.punch-chatbot-icon-message').addClass('active'); } }, 3000); // hide message on click of the chat and show the chat $('.punch-chatbot-icon').click(function(){ $('.punch-chatbot-icon-message').hide(); $('.punch-chatbot-icon').hide(); $('.punch-chatbot-holder').addClass('active'); // register the click in the db for reporting - 1 is Chatbot Clicked var data = {'action': 'punch_chatbot_ajax','chatbot_action': 1}; $.post('wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data, function(response) { console.log(response); }); }); // close the chat on click and just keep the icon to not annoy users $('.punch-chatbot-holder__header__close').click(function(){ $('.punch-chatbot-icon-message').hide(); $('.punch-chatbot-icon').show(); $('.punch-chatbot-holder').removeClass('active'); // register the click in the db for reporting - 2 is Chatbot Closed var data = {'action': 'punch_chatbot_ajax','chatbot_action': 2}; $.post('wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data, function(response) { console.log(response); }); }); // download the chat transcript to a txt file function downloadDiv(filename, element, mimeType) { var elementHtml = document.getElementsByClassName(element)[0].innerHTML; var link = document.createElement('a'); mimeType = mimeType || 'text/plain'; link.setAttribute('download', filename); link.setAttribute('href', 'data:' + mimeType + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(elementHtml)); link.click(); } // create the file var fileName = 'punch-chatbot-transcript.txt'; //click action to download the div contents $('.download-chat-transcript').click(function(){ downloadDiv(fileName, 'punch-chatbot-holder__body','text/html'); }); });
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