Linear Linked List
a year ago
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *NODEPTR; NODEPTR list; NODEPTR getnode (void); void insert_list (); int delete_list (); void traverse (); void insafter (int); int delafter (int); void freenode (NODEPTR); int main () { int y, x; int choice; list = getnode (); do { printf ("\n 1. Insert a node at the beginning of the linked list"); printf ("\n 2. Delete a node from the beginning of the node."); printf ("\n 3. Show the linked list"); printf ("\n 4. Insert a node after a specified node p"); printf ("\n 5. Delete a node after a specified node p"); printf ("\n 6. Exit"); printf ("\n Enter your choice: "); scanf ("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: insert_list (); break; case 2: y = delete_list (); printf ("\n the deleted node: %d\n", y); break; case 3: traverse (); break; case 4: printf ("\n Insert the value of the node that you want to specify"); fflush (stdin); scanf ("%d", &x); insafter (x); break; case 5: printf ("\n Insert the value of the node that you want to specify"); fflush (stdin); scanf ("%d", &x); y = delafter (x); printf ("\n the deleted node: %d\n", y); break; case 6: exit (0); } } while (choice != 6); return 0; } void insert_list () { NODEPTR p; int x; p = getnode (); printf ("\n Enter an element: "); scanf ("%d", &x); p->info = x; p->next = list->next; list->next = p; } int delete_list () { NODEPTR p; int x; p = list->next; if (p == NULL) { printf ("\n List is empty"); return -1; } x = p->info; list->next = p->next; freenode (p); return x; } void traverse () { NODEPTR p; p = list->next; while (p != NULL) { printf ("%d ==>", p->info); p = p->next; } printf ("\n Empty \n"); } void insafter (int x) { NODEPTR p, q; int x1; p = list; while (p != NULL && p->info != x) { p = p->next; } if (p == NULL) { printf ("\n Node with value %d not found", x); return; } q = getnode (); printf ("\n Enter an element: "); scanf ("%d", &x1); q->info = x1; q->next = p->next; p->next = q; } int delafter (int x) { NODEPTR p, q; int x1; p = list; while (p != NULL && p->info != x) { p = p->next; } if (p == NULL || p->next == NULL) { printf ("\n Node with value %d not found or no node after it", x); return -1; } q = p->next; x1 = q->info; p->next = q->next; freenode (q); return x1; } NODEPTR getnode (void) { NODEPTR p; p = (NODEPTR) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); p->next = NULL; return p; } void freenode (NODEPTR p) { free (p); }