24 days ago
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import requests import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et import io from odoo.exceptions import UserError def get_data(self, tvals): # Check if Tally URL is configured if not self.env.company.tally_url: raise UserError(_('Please Configure the Tally URL')) # Send POST request to Tally URL try: req = requests.post(url=self.env.company.tally_url, data=tvals) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise UserError(_("Error while connecting to Tally: %s" % str(e))) # Ensure the response is valid if req.status_code != 200: raise UserError(_('Error: Received status code %s from Tally') % req.status_code) # Remove non-printable characters from response xml_content_clean = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]', '', req.text) # Further clean-up of XML content xml_tags = xml_content_clean.replace('', '').replace(''', 'quoteee').replace('&', 'andand').replace('|', '') # Log XML content size for debugging print(f"XML content size: {len(xml_tags)}") # Stream XML parsing to prevent memory overload try: # Create a StringIO object from the cleaned XML string xml_stream = io.StringIO(xml_tags.strip()) # Use iterparse to process the XML in chunks context = Et.iterparse(xml_stream, events=("start", "end")) for event, elem in context: # Process each element print(f"Processing element: {elem.tag}") # Once done with the element, clear it to free memory elem.clear() except Et.ParseError as e: raise UserError(_('XML Parsing Error: %s') % str(e)) except MemoryError: raise UserError(_('Memory Error: Unable to process large XML response')) return True
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