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a month ago
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# Questions and answers 

q1 = "How do you make decisions?"
a1_a = "I gather information myself - only trust the data you collect yourself." # photoreceptors
a1_b = "I like to consult others. I much prefer pooling knowledge and opinions of others." # rest
a1_c = "I always need to do both and this slows me doen a but once I decided I go all the way, and don't look back." # ipRGC

#q2 = "How do you handle light? 
#a2_a = "Bright light is my vibe! No need for sunglasses and sunscreen." # cones
#a2_b = "I thrive in darkness. I prefer not looking like a candyshop" # rods

q2 = "Do you like to be in the spotligtht?"
a2_a = "I love being in the center of attention, it doesn't really matter where it comes from just that the spotlight is bright enough for me to shine" # cones
a2_b "No, I hate being in the spotlight. If all the attention is on me, I freeze and barely respond anymore." # rods

q3 = "Are you someone who needs your own space, but likes helping others."
a3_a = "Nah, I'm more in the thick of things. Yes, I love to guide from behind the scenes!" # RGCs, bipolar
a3_b = "Yes, I love to guide from behind the scenes!" # horizontal, amacrine

a4_a = "I like to be a middle-man. But can't really stay neutral, also empathize and either take a slightly positive or negative feeling. # bipolar
q4 = "How do deal with conflict in your lab?" 
a4_b = "Usually I don't engage, but once someting crosses the line, I quickly escalate things in front of the big boss." # RGCs

q5 = "Do you sometimes overthink?"
a5_a = "No, I just take things as they come" # horizontal 
a5_b = "Yes, I analyze everything before I act." # amacrine

q6 = "Are you detail-oriented?" 
a6_a = "I notice every tiny thing." # midget RGC
a6_b = "Nah, I focus on the bigger picture." # parasol RGC

# Results
    "cones": "Cones, the Bold and Vibrant.", "You're the artist of the group! Bright, vibrant, and loving sunny days.",
    "rods": "Rods, the night owl.", "You're the night owl! You see everything in dim light, because bright intense momnts might overwhelm you. Low-key, reliable, and always ready for movie marathons.",
    "iprgcs": "ipRGC, the chill timekeeper", "You’re the chill, behind-the-scenes master of balance. You are someone who keeps things stable in the background, in sync and in rhythm.",
    "horizontal": "Horizontal cell, the smooth operator", "You're laid back and keep the peace! You smooth out differences and see the bigger picture without getting stuck on small details. Even though you're not loud or attention-seeking, your steady presence helps everyone stay balanced and grounded",
    "amacrine": "Amacrine cells, the quiet strategist.", "You're the secret weapon in the team! Strategizing and providing feedback without needing the spotlight. You're the thinker, analyzing every detail and giving feedback. Sometimes you delay things while processing all the options.",
    "parasol": "Parasole RGC, the action-oriented adventurer", "You're the one that keeps things moving, loves action, and always has a wide perspective on life.",
    "midget": "You are the meticulous one! You have an eye for detail, and nothing escapes your attention.",
    "bipolar": "Bipolar cell, the connector", "You're a bridge between different people! You're always facilitating conversations, especially when moods is off - or sometimes when the mood is particularly 'on'."
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