Codigo de sobres de Jaro
6 days ago
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drop_slots = { -- 1 Legendary { total = 0, -- Total de Legendarias en JaroTCG target = 1, shuffle = {} }, -- 2 Epic { total = 0, -- Total de Epicas en JaroTCG target = 1, shuffle = {} }, -- 3 Rare { total = 0, -- Total de Raras en JaroTCG target = 3, shuffle = {} }, -- 4 Common { total = 0, -- Total de Comunes en JaroTCG target = 6, shuffle = {} }, -- 5 Singular { total = 0, -- Total de Singulares en JaroTCG target = 1, shuffle = {} }} function onObjectLeaveContainer(container, leave_object) if container ~= self then return end local slot1legendary = true; local slot2epic = true; -- Calculate Chances if (math.random(1, 4) == 1) then print ("Slot 1 is an Epic") -- First Slot will have an Epic slot1legendary = false; else print ("Slot 1 is a LEGENDARY!!!") end if (math.random(1, 4) == 1) then -- Second Slot will have a Rare print ("Slot 2 is a rare") slot2epic = false; else print ("Slot 2 is an Epic!") end drop_slots[1].target = 0 + bool_to_number(slot1legendary) drop_slots[2].target = 1 + bool_to_number(slot2epic) - bool_to_number(slot1legendary) drop_slots[3].target = 4 - bool_to_number(slot2epic) self.destruct() -- Destroy Card Pack -- Shuffle Cards within their Rarities total = 0 for k, v in pairs(drop_slots) do -- offset indices t = 0 for j = 1, do v.shuffle[j] = j - 1 + total t = t + 1 end total = total + t -- do shuffle v.shuffle = shuffleTable(v.shuffle) end -- Destroy remaining cards outside the target, within each rarity for k, v in pairs(drop_slots) do for j = 1, - do destroyCardAtIndex(leave_object, v.shuffle[j]) end end end function bool_to_number(value) return value and 1 or 0 end function destroyCardAtIndex(leave_object, index) leave_object.takeObject({index = index}).destruct() for k,v in pairs(drop_slots) do decrementValuesGreaterThan(v.shuffle, index) end end function decrementValuesGreaterThan(tbl, num) local size = #tbl for i = 1, size do if tbl[i] > num then tbl[i] = tbl[i] - 1 end end return tbl end function shuffleTable(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(i) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end
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