local finishLine = script.Parent local timePassed = 0 local raceActive = true local function finish() print("Touched the finish line") if timePassed <= 5 then print("You won a diamond medal!") elseif timePassed <= 10 then print("You won a gold medal") elseif timePassed <= 20 then print("You won a silver medal!") elseif timePassed <= 30 then print("You won a bronze medal") else print("You are a turtle") end raceActive = false end local function partTouched(whatTouches) local character = whatTouches.Parent local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if humanoid and raceActive == true then finish() end end finishLine.Touched:Connect(partTouched) while raceActive == true do task.wait(1) timePassed = timePassed + 1 --increase timePassed by one print("Since race started " .. timePassed .. " seconds passed") end
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