
mail@pastecode.io avatar
18 days ago
1.8 kB
Feature: Global trade item number (EAN) creation
As a PID Administrator
I want to be able to create new GTIN (EAN) BO
So that later on I can define GTIN Range (EAN) for item

Given User is logged in as *PID Administrator* (parametr)
And User is on /ean/create/new
Then Save button should be disabled

Scenario Outline: EAN successfull creation by fulfilling only required fields with valid values
When I fill "GTIN (EAN)" field with <EAN value> value
And I select "Yes" option from "Puma Owned" dropdown
And I click "Save" button
Then User should be redirected to /x/y

Scenario: EAN unsuccessfull creation by fulfilling only required fields with already-existing GTIN
When I fill "GTIN (EAN)" field with "1234567" value		// created in the previous scenario
And I select "Yes" option from "Puma Owned" dropdown
And I click "Save" button
Then Validation message "xyz" should be visible

Scenario: EAN unsuccessfull creation by providing incorrect value in GTIN field
When I fill "GTIN (EAN)" field with "12345678" value		// int > 7 ; "abcdefg" ; special characters ; white space included ; etc
And I select "Yes" option from "Puma Owned" dropdown
And I click "Save" button
Then Validation message "xyz" should be visible

Scenario: EAN unsuccessfull creation by providing incorrect value in "Info and Remark fields
When I fill "GTIN (EAN)" field with "1234567" value
And I select "Yes" option from "Puma Owned" dropdown
And I fill "Info" field with "1234" value
And I fill "Remark" field with "1234" value
And I click "Save" button
Then Validation message "xyz" should be visible

Scenario: EAN unsuccessfull creation by not fulfilling any form fields

|EAN value|
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