//write a menue besed program to insert and delet node from the beginning and end of singly linked list /*menu 1. insert at the beginning 2. insert at the end 3.delet from the beginning 4.delet from the end 5.display 6.exit */ // C program for the all operations in // the Singly Linked List #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Linked List Node struct node { int info; struct node* link; }; struct node* start = NULL; // Function to create list with n nodes initially void createList() { if (start == NULL) { int n; printf("\nEnter the number of nodes: "); scanf("%d", &n); if (n != 0) { int data; struct node* newnode; struct node* temp; newnode = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); start = newnode; temp = start; printf("\nEnter number to be inserted : "); scanf("%d", &data); start->info = data; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { newnode = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp->link = newnode; printf("\nEnter number to be inserted : "); scanf("%d", &data); newnode->info = data; temp = temp->link; } } printf("\nThe list is created\n"); } else printf("\nThe list is already created\n"); } // Function to traverse the linked list void traverse() { struct node* temp; // List is empty if (start == NULL) printf("\nList is empty\n"); // Else print the LL else { temp = start; while (temp != NULL) { printf("Data = %d\n", temp->info); temp = temp->link; } } } // Function to insert at the front // of the linked list void insertAtFront() { int data; struct node* temp; temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\nEnter number to" " be inserted : "); scanf("%d", &data); temp->info = data; // Pointer of temp will be // assigned to start temp->link = start; start = temp; } // Function to insert at the end of // the linked list void insertAtEnd() { int data; struct node *temp, *head; temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // Enter the number printf("\nEnter number to" " be inserted : "); scanf("%d", &data); // Changes links temp->link = 0; temp->info = data; head = start; while (head->link != NULL) { head = head->link; } head->link = temp; } void deleteFirst() { struct node* temp; if (start == NULL) printf("\nList is empty\n"); else { temp = start; start = start->link; free(temp); } } // Function to delete from the end // of the linked list void deleteEnd() { struct node *temp, *prevnode; if (start == NULL) printf("\nList is Empty\n"); else { temp = start; while (temp->link != 0) { prevnode = temp; temp = temp->link; } free(temp); prevnode->link = 0; } } // Driver Code int main() { createList(); int choice; while (1) { printf("\n\t1 To see list\n"); printf("\t2 For insertion at" " starting\n"); printf("\t3 For insertion at" " end\n"); printf("\t4 For deletion of " "first element\n"); printf("\t5 For deletion of " "last element\n"); printf("\t6 To exit\n"); printf("\nEnter Choice :\n"); scanf("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: traverse(); break; case 2: insertAtFront(); break; case 3: insertAtEnd(); break; case 4: deleteFirst(); break; case 5: deleteEnd(); break; case 6: exit(1); break; default: printf("Incorrect Choice\n"); } } return 0; }
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