a year ago
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#include <array> #include <chrono> #include <random> #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include "Headers/Animation.hpp" #include "Headers/Global.hpp" #include "Headers/Enemy.hpp" #include "Headers/Ufo.hpp" #include "Headers/Player.hpp" Player::Player() : explosion(EXPLOSION_ANIMATION_SPEED, BASE_SIZE, "Resources/Images/Explosion.png") { reset(); bullet_texture.loadFromFile("Resources/Images/PlayerBullet.png"); texture.loadFromFile("Resources/Images/Player.png"); bullet_sprite.setTexture(bullet_texture); sprite.setTexture(texture); } bool Player::get_dead() const { return dead; } bool Player::get_dead_animation_over() const { return dead_animation_over; } unsigned char Player::get_current_power() const { return current_power; } unsigned short Player::get_power_timer() const { return power_timer; } unsigned short Player::get_y() const { return y; } //I don't know why, but this is funny. void Player::die() { dead = 1; } void Player::draw(sf::RenderWindow& i_window) { if (0 == dead) { sprite.setPosition(x, y); sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(BASE_SIZE * current_power, 0, BASE_SIZE, BASE_SIZE)); for (const Bullet& bullet : bullets) { bullet_sprite.setPosition(bullet.x, bullet.y); i_window.draw(bullet_sprite); } i_window.draw(sprite); if (0 == shield_animation_over) { //Once we get hit while having a shield, the shield will be destroyed. We'll show a blue explosion. explosion.draw(x, y, i_window, sf::Color(0, 109, 255)); } } else if (0 == dead_animation_over) { explosion.draw(x, y, i_window, sf::Color(255, 36, 0)); } } void Player::reset() { dead = 0; dead_animation_over = 0; shield_animation_over = 1; current_power = 0; reload_timer = 0; power_timer = 0; x = 0.5f * (SCREEN_WIDTH - BASE_SIZE); y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 * BASE_SIZE; bullets.clear(); explosion.reset(); } void Player::update(std::mt19937_64& i_random_engine, std::vector<Bullet>& i_enemy_bullets, std::vector<Enemy>& i_enemies, Ufo& i_ufo) { if (0 == dead) { unsigned char powerup_type; if (1 == sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) { if (4 == current_power) { //Mirrored controls power-DOWN! x = std::min<int>(PLAYER_MOVE_SPEED + x, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 * BASE_SIZE); } else { x = std::max<int>(x - PLAYER_MOVE_SPEED, BASE_SIZE); } } if (1 == sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) { if (4 == current_power) { //Mirrored controls power-DOWN! //I'm never gonna get tired of this joke. //NEVER! x = std::max<int>(x - PLAYER_MOVE_SPEED, BASE_SIZE); } else { x = std::min<int>(PLAYER_MOVE_SPEED + x, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 * BASE_SIZE); } } if (0 == reload_timer) { if (1 == sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Z)) { if (2 == current_power) { reload_timer = FAST_RELOAD_DURATION; } else { reload_timer = RELOAD_DURATION; } bullets.push_back(Bullet(0, -PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED, x, y)); if (3 == current_power) { bullets.push_back(Bullet(0, -PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED, x - 0.375f * BASE_SIZE, y)); bullets.push_back(Bullet(0, -PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED, x + 0.375f * BASE_SIZE, y)); } } } else { reload_timer--; } for (Bullet& enemy_bullet : i_enemy_bullets) { if (1 == get_hitbox().intersects(enemy_bullet.get_hitbox())) { if (1 == current_power) { current_power = 0; shield_animation_over = 0; } else { dead = 1; } enemy_bullet.dead = 1; break; } } powerup_type = i_ufo.check_powerup_collision(get_hitbox()); if (0 < powerup_type) { current_power = powerup_type; power_timer = POWERUP_DURATION; } if (0 == power_timer) { current_power = 0; } else { power_timer--; } if (0 == shield_animation_over) { shield_animation_over = explosion.update(); } } else if (0 == dead_animation_over) { dead_animation_over = explosion.update(); } for (Bullet& bullet : bullets) { bullet.update(); if (0 == bullet.dead) { if (1 == i_ufo.check_bullet_collision(i_random_engine, bullet.get_hitbox())) { bullet.dead = 1; } } } for (Enemy& enemy : i_enemies) { for (Bullet& bullet : bullets) { if (0 == bullet.dead && 0 < enemy.get_health() && 1 == enemy.get_hitbox().intersects(bullet.get_hitbox())) { bullet.dead = 1; enemy.hit(); break; } } } bullets.erase(remove_if(bullets.begin(), bullets.end(), [](const Bullet& i_bullet) { return 1 == i_bullet.dead; }), bullets.end()); } sf::IntRect Player::get_hitbox() const { return sf::IntRect(x + 0.125f * BASE_SIZE, y + 0.125f * BASE_SIZE, 0.75f * BASE_SIZE, 0.75f * BASE_SIZE); }