aus vid
a month ago
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from PIL import Image import numpy as np # Load a map of Australia (use an image file of a map) # You can replace 'australia_map.png' with your map image. try: australia_map ="australia_map.png") except FileNotFoundError: print("Please make sure you have a map of Australia saved as 'australia_map.png' in the same directory.") exit() # Convert the image to an array for Matplotlib map_array = np.asarray(australia_map) # Define the roller coaster path (latitude, longitude as points) roller_coaster_path = [ (100, 500), (150, 450), (200, 400), (300, 380), (400, 360), # East coast (450, 300), (500, 250), (550, 200), (600, 150), (700, 100) # Westward ] # Extract x and y coordinates x_coords, y_coords = zip(*roller_coaster_path) # Create the figure and axis fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(map_array, extent=[0, 800, 0, 600]) # Adjust extents for your map size roller_coaster, = ax.plot([], [], 'ro-', markersize=8, label="Roller Coaster") # Initialize the animation def init(): roller_coaster.set_data([], []) return roller_coaster, # Update function for animation def update(frame): roller_coaster.set_data(x_coords[:frame], y_coords[:frame]) return roller_coaster, # Create the animation ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=len(roller_coaster_path)+1, init_func=init, blit=True, interval=500 ) # Add labels and title ax.set_title("Roller Coaster Through Australia") ax.legend() ax.axis("off") # Show the animation
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