
a year ago
9.3 kB
> connect
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Remote Connect (, 2 )
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME):  loop(remoteconnect) id(2) addons() desc(Remote Connect (
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested:  id [2] addons []
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL:  Disconnecting from server: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to loopback:1, handle #4008896495 (2055 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #4008896495 (userdata 1)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @  (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #4008896495 (userdata 1)
[SteamNetSockets] [#4008896495 pipe 'server'] closed by app, linger requested but not needed (2055) NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[SteamNetSockets] [#2240941740 pipe '✪ Hawq'] closed by peer (2055): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:1, handle #4008896495
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  Server shutting down: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE (55)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_active -> ss_dead)
[Server] SV:  Disconnect client '✪ Hawq' from server(1): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN
[SignonState] Client 0 '✪ Hawq' signon state SIGNONSTATE_FULL -> SIGNONSTATE_NONE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'server' to loopback:0, handle #2240941740 (1001 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2240941740 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan ✪ Hawq @  (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #2240941740 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:0, handle #2240941740
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIDeactivated()
[Networking] Closing 'server' poll group
[stringtables] SV: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables:  removing 12 tables
[stringtables] CL: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables:  removing 12 tables
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Client] CL:  CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> at 26.201
[Server] SV:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Server] SV:  CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( remoteconnect : success )
CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> Success at 26.202
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #2240941740 pipe '✪ Hawq' closed by peer, reason 2055: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2240941740 (userdata -1)
[SteamNetSockets] Waited 10.0ms for SteamNetworkingSockets lock [ServiceThread]
[NetSteamConn] Opened Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, connection #831953595 UDP invalid@
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[SteamNetSockets] [#831953595 UDP invalid@] problem detected locally (5003): Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #831953595 UDP invalid@ problem detected locally, reason 5003: Timed out attempting to connect
[Client] Failed to connect to  Reason code 5003.  Timed out attempting to connect
**** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager'
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, handle #831953595 (1000 CloseSocket)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #831953595 (userdata -1)
[Networking] Summary of connection [#831953595 UDP invalid@]:
[Networking]     End-to-end connection: closed due to problem detected locally, reason code 5003.  (Timed out attempting to connect)
[Networking]         Current rates:
[Networking]             Sent:   0.0 pkts/sec   0.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:   0.0 pkts/sec   0.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Est avail bandwidth: 256.0KB/s  
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:         21 pkts          10,752 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:          0 pkts               0 bytes
[Networking]             No ping distribution available.  (0 samples)
[Networking]             No connection quality distribution available.  (0 measurement intervals)
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram not available
[Networking]         No rate stats received from remote host
[Networking]         No lifetime stats received from remote host
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for, handle #831953595
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 3 )
[HostStateManager] Discarding pending request 'Remote Connect (, 2'
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE):  loop(levelload) id(3) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [3] addons []
[Console] Unknown command 'single_player_pause'!
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Idle (levelload)
[Client] CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [3] addons []
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_dead -> ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest)
[Server] SV:  maxplayers set to 1
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Server] SV:  Executing server defaults
[Server] SV:  Executing listen server config file
[Developer] GameTypes: could not find matching game mode value of "" in any game type.
[Server] SV:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive_offline.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV:  Spawn Server: <empty>
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL:  CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL:  CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#236017790 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#2234260881 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'server'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=e11587e@loopback:1 <-> server=852c1d91@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan ✪ Hawq @ loopback:0 (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #2234260881 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ loopback:1 (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #236017790 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL:  Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [✪ Hawq]
[Server] Client 0 '✪ Hawq' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 9960 (revision 8682326)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000443 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 8.573 msec
[Client] CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  1 player server started
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV:  Sending full update to client ✪ Hawq (reason:  initial update)
[Client] CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
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