23 days ago
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# Exam Review Part 2 # Do those LABS # Ch 2-14... all Labs! # Ch 33 and 34... get to know the Prac Tests. Use them MORE than the Pre. # Use Submit Mode and get them to 100%!!! # PAY ATTENTION to the unit tests! # ... then UNIT TEST more! Unit test, unit test, unit test! # Last Week: # Comp 1: Basic syntax and knowledge: operators, data types, etc # Comp 2: Control Flow # This Week... # Data Types and Their Methods and Comp 3: Modules and Files # STRINGS # be able to refer by index, and to slice # myStr = "abcdef" # # slice[start:stop:step] # revStr = myStr[::-1] # print(revStr) # KNOW YOUR WHITESPACE # " " space from the spacebar # a lot of variations in Unicode # "\n" # new line return # "\t" # tab # "\r" # carriage return # STRING METHODS # print(dir(str)) # will show you them all # myStr.format() # "Stuff I want to add into this string like {:.2f} and {}".format(var1, var2) # myStr.strip() # input().strip() # myStr.split() # returns a list of smaller strings # myStr.join(listOfStrings) # ",".join(), " ".join(), "".join() # myStr.replace(subStr, newStr) # "remove"... myStr = myStr.replace(subStr, "") # myStr.index(subStr) # return the int index where this is found, raises error if not found # myStr.find(subStr) # return the int index where this is found, return -1 if not found # myStr.count(subStr) # return the int count of how many times that's there # case methods: myStr.lower(), myStr.upper(), myStr.title(), myStr.capitalize() # is/Boolean: myStr.islower(), myStr.isspace(), myStr.isupper(), myStr.isalpha(), myStr.isnumeric(), myStr.isdigit(), myStr.alnum() # myStr.startswith(subStr), myStr.endswith(subStr) # LISTS # be able to refer by index and to slice # LIST METHODS # # + # myList.append(item) # myList.insert(i, item) # myList.extend(anotherList) # # - # myList.pop(i) # myList.remove(item) # pop() by index, remove() by value # myList.clear() # # "others" # myList.index(item) # return index where item is, raises error if not there # myList.sort() # no return # myList.reverse() # no return # myList.count(item) # return count of num occurrences # myList.copy() # DICT # use the key like an index []... then you don't really need DICT methods # myDict["someKey"] # get the value for that key # myDict["someKey"] = value # assign a (new) value to key # # # membership check: # if ___ in myDict: # looking at keys # # membership check on values # if ___ in myDict.values() # # # to get all keys in one object # myDict.keys() # MODULES # math and csv # MATH MODULE # import math # FULL IMPORT # math.factorial(x) # math.ceil(x) # math.floor(x) # math.sqrt(x) # returns a float # math.pow(x, y) # math.fabs(x) # math.pi # math.e # # # PARTIAL IMPORT # from math import sqrt # sqrt() # from math floor, ceil # floor(), ceil() # from math import * # still just ceil(), factorial(), e, etc # # # ALIAS IMPORT # import math as m # m.floor() # not math.floor() # # # FILES # mode: r, w, a # READ MODE # filename = input() # with open() as f: # f.read() # returns one big string of the whole file # f.readlines() # returns a list of strings, line by line # f.readline() # ITERATOR... will return ONE ENTRY at time... for line in f.readline(): # f.write(someStr) # write this str into the file with open("test.txt", "r") as f: # contents = f.read() contents = f.readlines() # print(contents) # for line in contents: # line = line.strip() # print(line) # print(contents) # print(contents[4]) # 5th thing in the list from readlines() import csv # csv.reader() # ITERATOR... csv.reader(f), csv.reader(f, delimiter="\t") with open("mock_data.csv", "r") as f: # mockaroo.com # 2 options with csv.reader() # Option 1 loop directly over it # for row in csv.reader(f): # print(row) # Option 2 cheat... recast with list() contents = list(csv.reader(f)) # Option 0 use readlines() instead # for row in f.readlines(): # row = row.strip().split(",") # print(row) # print(contents) # for row in contents: # print(row) # WRITE MODE # write out a new file from the above for only rows with .co.uk email # with open("output_data46.csv", "w") as f1: # for row in contents: # email = row[3] # if email.endswith("co.uk"): # f1.write(",".join(row) + "\n") # APPEND MODE # let's read so we can check that last line for a line return or not? # with open("append_to_this.txt", "r") as f: # print(f.readlines()) # ['Frodo\n', 'Sam\n', 'Merry'] # with open("append_to_this.txt", "a") as f: # f.write("\nPippin") ### # Pop Quiz # How do you add to a list?... myList.append(item) # How do you add to a dict?... myDict[key] = value # How do you add to a str?... myStr += "another string" # # In conclusion: # Unit test! # Unit test! # Unit test!!!
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