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DOWNLOAD BBOT - AGORA É GRATIS:https://bbot.bmega.net/download.html REGISTRAR CONTA NO LINK:https://bbot.bmega.net/signup.html[/URL][/size] MACROS WAR 200 {ssa} Self.Inventory.Amulet()==0 Tibia.SendKey(120) Self.Inventory.Amulet()==1 (ssa puxando no F9) 200 {ring} Self.Inventory.Ring()==0 Tibia.SendKey(119) Self.Inventory.Ring()==1 (might ring puxando no F8) 2 {ENERGY Ring} 10 {ENERGYRing} 20 {ring} Self.Health%()<=30 Self.Inventory.Ring(3051) Tibia.SendKey(118) (energy ring puxando no F7) F1===========112 F2===========113 F3===========114 F4===========115 F5===========116 F6===========117 F7===========118 F8===========119 F9===========120 F10==========121 F11==========122 F12==========123 2 {SSA por %} Self.Inventory.Amulet()==0 HP:=Self.Health%() !HP!<=70 MP:=Self.Mana%() !MP!>=1 Self.Equip.Amulet(3081) Exit() 2 {ring when low hp} Self.Inventory.Ring()==0 HP:=Self.Health%() !HP!<=70 MP:=Self.Mana%() !MP!>=1 Self.Equip.Ring(3048) Exit() ======================= PORTUGUES Abre pasta do BBot --> Abre pasta Data --> Abre o Arquivo Login como bloco de notas, apaga tudo e insere esse código abaixo e salva. ENGLISH Open folder BBot --> Open folder Data --> Open Archive Login with notepad --> Put this code: UPDATE: 22/03/2021 CLOSE AND SAVE - FINISH USE NOW. Checar qual tecla corresponde a qual número: [URL]http://wiki.bmega.net/doku.php?id=virtual_key_codes[/URL] MACROS BBOT: F1 ‒‒˃ 112 F2 ‒‒˃ 113 F3 ‒‒˃ 114 F4 ‒‒˃ 115 F5 ‒‒˃ 116 F6 ‒‒˃ 117 F7 ‒‒˃ 118 F8 ‒‒˃ 119 F9 ‒‒˃ 120 F10 ‒‒˃ 121 F11 ‒‒˃ 122 F12 ‒‒˃ 123 DANCE 5 {Dance} 3 {Macro Sample} 0001 {Anti-IDLE} Self.TurnN Macro.Wait(0) Self.TurnE Macro.Wait(0) =1 Self.TurnS Macro.Wait(0) Self.TurnW TRADE 125000 {adv} Self.SayInChannel(5, SELL XXXXXXX) AUTO INVIT PT 1 {Invint Party PT} When.PlayerMessage(Invite, SENHA DA PT) Exit() {Invite} AuthorID:=Creature.ByName(!Message.Author.Name) !AuthorID<>0 HUD.Display(AutoParty triggered for !Message.Author.Name \(!Message.Author.Level\) with id !AuthorID) Party.Status(!AuthorID)==:None HUD.Display(AutoParty inviting !Message.Author.Name \(!Message.Author.Level\) with id !AuthorID) Party.Invite(!AuthorID) ENERGY RING 215 {Energy Ring} 10 {EnergyRing} 2 {ring} Self.Health%()<=70 Self.Inventory.Ring(3051) Tibia.SendKey(119) RECRUTAR 70000 {Auto Say } Self.SayInChannel(5, NEED PLAYERS FOR GUILD -- PELEGOS ETC ) ENERGY RING HP 50 {Energy Ring hp} ringID:=3048 health:=3500 Self.Health()<=!health! [else] Self.Equip.Ring(!ringID!) {else} Self.Health()>!health! Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) THROWGOLD 500 {throwGold} target:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.DistanceToSelf(!target!)<=6 Creature.IsPlayer(!target!)==1 X:=Creature.X(!target!) Y:=Creature.Y(!target!) Z:=Creature.Z(!target!) Map.Thrown(3031, 1, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) EXENRGY BOMB OR FIRE BOMB 10 {ENERGY} 500 {ShootBomb} selfid:=Creature.Self() Creature.ShootOn(!selfid, 3192) Exit() MACRO RP AUTO 200 {RP} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran con) Self.Say(exori con) EK BOSSES 200 {EK autoexori} 200{EK} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran) Self.Say(exori) SSA POR % 100 {SSA} Self.Health%()<59 Self.Equip.Amulet(3081) Exit() ANT TRAP CAVEBOT 10000 {Anti Trap Cavebot} Misc.StandTime()>50 Cavebot.Stop() Cavebot.Start() EXORI CERTO 2 {exoricertocerto300ms} Self.Mana>=150 Self.Attacking==01 Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen==01 Self.Say(exori) {Safe Spellcast} Self.Mana>=120 Self.Attacking Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen = 0 Self.Say(exori) LEIDEN BOSS 150 {leiden} 200{EK} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran ico) Self.Say(exori ico) RING HELLFLYER 2 {RING HELLFLYER} Creatures.ByName(Hellflayer)>=1 [jump] Self.Equip.Ring(3051) Exit() Creatures.ByName(Hellflayer)<=0 {jump} Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) Exit() EXORI SAFE 500 {exori safe} Creatures.Beside(1)>=1 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)<=1 [jump] Self.Say(exori) Exit() {jump} Creatures.PlayersOnRange(2)>=1 Self.Say(exori ico) Exit() EXORI GRAN SAFE 700 {exori gram safe} Creatures.Beside(1)>=1 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)<=1 [jump] Self.Say(exori gran) Exit() {jump} Creatures.PlayersOnRange(2)>=1 Self.Say(exori gran ico) Exit() ANT RED 1 {AntRed} {Close tibia if get Frag} When.SystemMessage(CLOSE TIBIA, Warning! The murder of ) Exit() {CLOSE TIBIA} Tibia.Close() MIGHT RING VIDA 5 {might ring pally} 100 {Auto MIGHT RING} healthEquip:=60 healthUnequip:=89 itemEquipID:=3048 Self.Health%()<=!healthEquip! [else] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!itemEquipID! Self.Equip.Ring(!itemEquipID!) Exit() BUTTERFLY RING 5 {butterfly} 500 {SSA Health by C} on:=89 ssa:=25698 BP:=0 Self.Health%()>=!on! [if] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!ssa! Self.UnEquip.ring(!BP!) Macro.Wait(20) Self.Equip.ring(!ssa!) Exit() FULL EXETA RES 10 {FULL exeta} Self.SayInChannel(1, exeta res ) DANCE 5 {Dance} 3 {Macro Sample} 0001 {Anti-IDLE} Self.TurnN Macro.Wait(0) Self.TurnE Macro.Wait(0) =1 Self.TurnS Macro.Wait(0) Self.TurnW TRADE 125000 {adv} Self.SayInChannel(5, SELL XXXXXXX) AUTO INVIT PT 1 {Invint Party PT} When.PlayerMessage(Invite, PT) Exit() {Invite} AuthorID:=Creature.ByName(!Message.Author.Name) !AuthorID<>0 HUD.Display(AutoParty triggered for !Message.Author.Name \(!Message.Author.Level\) with id !AuthorID) Party.Status(!AuthorID)==:None HUD.Display(AutoParty inviting !Message.Author.Name \(!Message.Author.Level\) with id !AuthorID) Party.Invite(!AuthorID) ENERGY RING 215 {Energy Ring} 10 {EnergyRing} 2 {ring} Self.Health%()<=70 Self.Inventory.Ring(3051) Tibia.SendKey(119) RECRUTAR 70000 {Auto Say } Self.SayInChannel(5, NEED PLAYERS FOR GUILD -- PELEGOS ETC ) ENERGY RING HP 50 {Energy Ring hp} ringID:=3048 health:=3500 Self.Health()<=!health! [else] Self.Equip.Ring(!ringID!) {else} Self.Health()>!health! Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) THROWGOLD 500 {throwGold} target:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.DistanceToSelf(!target!)<=6 Creature.IsPlayer(!target!)==1 X:=Creature.X(!target!) Y:=Creature.Y(!target!) Z:=Creature.Z(!target!) Map.Thrown(3031, 1, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) EXENRGY BOMB OR FIRE BOMB 10 {ENERGY} 500 {ShootBomb} selfid:=Creature.Self() Creature.ShootOn(!selfid, 3192) Exit() MACRO RP AUTO 200 {RP} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran con) Self.Say(exori con) EK BOSSES 200 {EK autoexori} 200{EK} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran) Self.Say(exori) SSA POR % 100 {SSA} Self.Health%()<59 Self.Equip.Amulet(3081) Exit() ANT TRAP CAVEBOT 10000 {Anti Trap Cavebot} Misc.StandTime()>50 Cavebot.Stop() Cavebot.Start() EXORI CERTO 2 {exoricertocerto300ms} Self.Mana>=150 Self.Attacking==01 Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen==01 Self.Say(exori) {Safe Spellcast} Self.Mana>=120 Self.Attacking Creatures.Beside>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen = 0 Self.Say(exori) LEIDEN BOSS 150 {leiden} 200{EK} Self.Attacking()==1 Self.Say(exori gran ico) Self.Say(exori ico) RING HELLFLYER 2 {RING HELLFLYER} Creatures.ByName(Hellflayer)>=1 [jump] Self.Equip.Ring(3051) Exit() Creatures.ByName(Hellflayer)<=0 {jump} Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) Exit() EXORI SAFE 500 {exori safe} Creatures.Beside(1)>=1 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)<=1 [jump] Self.Say(exori) Exit() {jump} Creatures.PlayersOnRange(2)>=1 Self.Say(exori ico) Exit() EXORI GRAN SAFE 700 {exori gram safe} Creatures.Beside(1)>=1 Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)<=1 [jump] Self.Say(exori gran) Exit() {jump} Creatures.PlayersOnRange(2)>=1 Self.Say(exori gran ico) Exit() ANTI RED 1 {AntRed} {Close tibia if get Frag} When.SystemMessage(CLOSE TIBIA, Warning! The murder of ) Exit() {CLOSE TIBIA} Tibia.Close() MIGHT RING VIDA 5 {might ring pally} 100 {Auto MIGHT RING} healthEquip:=60 healthUnequip:=89 itemEquipID:=3048 Self.Health%()<=!healthEquip! [else] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!itemEquipID! Self.Equip.Ring(!itemEquipID!) Exit() BUTTERFLY RING 5 {butterfly} 500 {SSA Health by C} on:=89 ssa:=25698 BP:=0 Self.Health%()>=!on! [if] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!ssa! Self.UnEquip.ring(!BP!) Macro.Wait(20) Self.Equip.ring(!ssa!) Exit() FULL EXETA RES 10 {FULL exeta} Self.SayInChannel(1, exeta res )
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