a month ago
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def word_follow_matrix(sentences): words_list = [sentence.split() for sentence in sentences] # Tokenize sentences unique_words = sorted(set(word for words in words_list for word in words)) # Unique words sorted word_index = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(unique_words)} # Map words to indices n = len(unique_words) # Initialize matrix with 0s matrix = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)] # Populate matrix based on word-follow relationships within sentences for words in words_list: for i in range(len(words) - 1): row, col = word_index[words[i]], word_index[words[i + 1]] matrix[row][col] = 1 # Print header row print("\n ", " ".join(unique_words)) # Print matrix with row labels for word in unique_words: print(word.ljust(5), " ".join(map(str, matrix[word_index[word]]))) # Get multiple sentences from user sentences = input("Enter multiple sentences (separated by '. '): ").split('. ') word_follow_matrix(sentences)
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