a year ago
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accounts = ["account1", "account2", "account3"] account_balances = {} account_transactions = {} def load_accounts(): for account in accounts: try: with open(f"{account}_balance.txt", 'r') as file: balance = int(file.read()) account_balances[account] = balance except FileNotFoundError: account_balances[account] = 0 except ValueError: account_balances[account] = 0 # Load transactions try: with open(f"{account}_transactions.txt", 'r') as file: transactions = file.readlines() account_transactions[account] = [transaction.strip() for transaction in transactions] except FileNotFoundError: account_transactions[account] = [] def update_balance_file(account): with open(f"{account}_balance.txt", 'w') as file: file.write(str(account_balances[account])) def save_transaction(account, transaction): with open(f"{account}_transactions.txt", 'a') as file: file.write(transaction + "\n") account_transactions[account].append(transaction) def view_transactions(account): if account_transactions[account]: print(f"\nTransaction History for {account}:") for transaction in account_transactions[account]: print(transaction) else: print(f"No transactions found for {account}.") def atm_menu(): print("\nATM Machine") print("1: Check Balance") print("2: Deposit Money") print("3: Withdraw Money") print("4: View Transaction History") print("0: Exit") choice = int(input("Choose an option: ")) return choice def account_menu(): print("\nSelect an Account:") for i, account in enumerate(accounts, start=1): print(f"{i}: {account}") choice = int(input("Choose an account: ")) if 1 <= choice <= len(accounts): return accounts[choice - 1] return None def main(): load_accounts() while 1: account = account_menu() if account is None: print("Invalid option. Please choose a valid account.") continue while 1: choice = atm_menu() if choice == 0: print("Returning to account selection...") break elif choice == 1: print("Your current balance is:", account_balances[account]) elif choice == 2: amount = int(input("Enter amount to deposit: ")) if amount > 0: account_balances[account] += amount update_balance_file(account) save_transaction(account, f"Deposit: {amount}") print("Deposit successful!") else: print("Invalid amount.") elif choice == 3: amount = int(input("Enter amount to withdraw: ")) if 0 < amount <= account_balances[account]: account_balances[account] -= amount update_balance_file(account) save_transaction(account, f"Withdrawal: {amount}") print("Withdrawal successful!") else: print("Invalid amount or insufficient balance.") elif choice == 4: view_transactions(account) else: print("Invalid option. Please choose a number between 0 and 4.") main()