
2 years ago
10 kB
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 212: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 213: #setting up desktop picture via nitrogen.  ~/Pictures/ign_manInstreet.png
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 214: exec_always nitrogen --restore ~/Pictures/ign_manInstreet.png
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: #qbitorrent
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: #qbitorrent
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 217: exec_always --no-startup-id qbittorrent
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 219: #i3gap setting
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 219: #i3gap setting
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 220: gaps inner 10
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 221: gaps outer 2
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 222: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 219: #i3gap setting
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 220: gaps inner 10
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 221: gaps outer 2
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 222: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 223: #gettign rid fo titlebars bc gaps dont work with titlebars
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 222: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 223: #gettign rid fo titlebars bc gaps dont work with titlebars
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 224: for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 2
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 225: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 226: #screensaver
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 228: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 229: #autotiling
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 230: exec_always --no-startup-id autotiling
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 231: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 232: #picom (for windows transparency)
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 231: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 232: #picom (for windows transparency)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 233: exec_always --no-startup-id picom -b
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 234: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 235: #redshift for nighttime blue light control
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 237: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 238: #mouse sensitivity
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 239: exec_always xinput -set-prop 9 299 -.57
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 240: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 241: #monitor order
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 240: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 241: #monitor order
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 242: exec_always xrandr --output "DVI-D-0" --right-of "HDMI-0"
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 243: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 244: #workspace ordering, ws1 to left-monitor
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set', 'i3bar_command', 'status_command', 'socket_path', 'mode', 'hidden_state', 'id', 'modifier', 'wheel_up_cmd', 'wheel_down_cmd', 'bindsym', 'position', 'output', 'tray_output', 'tray_padding', 'font', 'separator_symbol', 'binding_mode_indicator', 'workspace_buttons', 'strip_workspace_numbers', 'strip_workspace_name', 'verbose', 'height', 'colors', '}'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 243: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 244: #workspace ordering, ws1 to left-monitor
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 245: workspace "1" output HDMI-0
ERROR: CONFIG:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 246: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 247: #i3 gaps, default config for on the fly adjustments.  
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "Mod4+Shift+g", ignoring.
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: 'dock', 'hide', 'invisible'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/defcon3/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 258: bindsym Mod4+Shift+g mode "Gaps: (o)uter, (i)nner, (h)orizontal, (v)ertical, (t)op, (r)ight, (b)ottom, (l)eft"
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 259: 
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 260: mode "Gaps: (o)uter, (i)nner, (h)orizontal, (v)ertical, (t)op, (r)ight, (b)ottom, (l)eft" {
ERROR: CONFIG:                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 261:         bindsym o      mode "Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)"
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 262:         bindsym i      mode "Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)"
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "o", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "i", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "h", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "v", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "t", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "r", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "b", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "l", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "Return", ignoring.
ERROR: Bindings for a bar can only be mouse bindings, not "Escape", ignoring.
ERROR: Duplicate keybinding in config file:
  state mask 0x40 with keysym space, command "focus mode_toggle"
ERROR: FYI: You are using i3 version 4.16.1-1-g341fcf99 (2019-01-27, branch "gaps")
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400000
ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x01400000
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400000
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400001
ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x01400001
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400001
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400003
ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x01400003
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400003
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400004
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400004
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400005
ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x01400005
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